Chelan-Douglas Coalition for Health Improvement January 9, 2019
Agenda Introductions NCACH Updates Leadership Council Nominations The Focus of 2019 NCW Mobility Council Round Table
North Central Accountable Communities of Health (NCACH) Board Updates Governing Board Meeting Workgroup Updates NCACH 2019
2019 CHI Funding update January 2019 January 7, 2019: NCACH Governing Board approved Advisory Group plus charter Now seeking members to serve on Advisory Group! Save-the-Date: February 21, 2019 – community investment process strategic design workshop with OHSU Community Investment Process Design Survey to be released soon! Please be sure to complete and share Name for funding initiative: Coalitions for Health Improvement Community Initiatives
2019 CHI Community Initiatives– Advisory Group Structure NCACH Governing Board provides final approval NCACH Governing Board Advisory Group Approved by NCACH Governing Board on 01/07/19 NCACH Staff take Advisory Group recommendations to develop processes for endorsement for final approval NCACH Staff and consultants Advisory Group relies on CHI Leadership Council for bi-directional input from the Coalitions for Health Improvement to deliver recommendations to NCACH staff CHI Leadership Council CHI Leadership Council works to facilitate connections and gather input from the three Coalitions for Health Improvement at county level based on Advisory Group needs Chelan-Douglas CHI Grant County CHI Okanogan County CHI Coalitions for Health Improvement identify priorities and provide input for Advisory Group
Leadership Council Leadership Nominations Leadership Council Meeting January 22nd, 1:00 PM at Chelan-Douglas Health District Voting *Email to nominate yourself or someone else
The Focus for 2019 Each person will receive 3 dollars in play money. Each dollar can be placed in a jar for each category that the person thinks the Chelan-Douglas CHI should focus on in 2019.
NCW Mobility Council Transportation Data:
Round Table Thank you for attending the CHI meeting!