CASL-Common Algebraic Specification Language Anis Yousefi Ph.D. Candidate Department of Computing & Software McMaster University
Outline Introduction CASL’s Basic Specifications CASL’s Structured Specifications CASL’s Architectural Specifications Tools & Case Study
The Common Algebraic Specification Language CoFI: the international common framework initiative Designed to replace existing algebraic languages and provide a standard Algebraic Specification Programs as algebraic structures Data Values + Functions Specification in terms of axiom
CASL Layers Basic (Unstructured) Specifications Specifications in terms of signatures and sentences Structured Specifications Naming, Parameterization, etc. Architectural Specifications Reusable implementation units Libraries of named specifications
Basic Specifications Declaration of symbols + set of axioms and constraints (restricting the interpretations of the declared symbols) Σ Symbols Class of Σ-Models Interpretations of Σ which satisfy the axioms and constraints of the specifications M ╞═ SP : “Model M satisfies specification SP” or “M is a model of SP”
Specifications and Institutions To develop concepts of a spec language independent of the underlying logical system I = (Sign, Sen, Mod,╞═) Sign: category of signatures Sen: set of sentences for each signature Senσ : sentence translation map Mod: category of models for each signature Modσ : model reduction functor ╞═ : satisfaction relations for each signature (whether a sentence holds in a model or not)
Notations Σ = (S,F) σ : Σ Σ’ Sign: category of signatures Sen(Σ): set of sentences for signature Σ Senσ : Sen(Σ) Sen(Σ’) Mod(Σ): set of models for signature Σ Modσ :Mod(Σ’) Mod(Σ) ╞═Σ |Mod(Σ)| Sen(Σ)
Discussion on signatures Signatures define (non-logical) symbols used in sentences & interpreted in models Signature Morphisms allow to extend signatures, change notations,… Signature Morphisms lead to translation of sentences & models such that satisfaction is preserved
Logic Institutions + Entailment System Extending institutions with proof-theoretic entailment relations compatible with semantic entailment LOG = (Sign, Sen, Mod,╞═,├─) ├─ Σ P(Sen(Σ)) Sen(Σ) (derivation rules) Soundness: if Γ├─Σ φ then Γ╞═Σ φ Completeness: if Γ╞═Σ φ then Γ├─Σ φ
CASL’s Basic Specifications Adds sub-sorting, partiality, first order logic & induction To add sub-sorts Many-sorted institutions with partial functions, FOL, sort generation constraints Constructing sub-sorted institutions from many-sorted institutions
Many-Sorted Institutions I = (Sign, Sen, Mod,╞═) Sign: category of many-sorted signatures Sen: set of many-sorted sentences for each signature Senσ : sentence translation map Mod: category of many-sorted models for each signature Modσ : model reduction functor ╞═ : satisfaction relation for each signature
Many-Sorted Signature Σ = (S, TF, PF, P) S: set of sorts TF: total function symbols PF: partial function symbols P: predicates Signature Morphism
Many-Sorted Σ-Models M = (MS, TFM, PFM, PM) MS: a family of non-empty carrier sets indexed by sort s in S, for each sort in Σ TFM: Mw Ms , for each TF in Σ Mw: Cartesian product of Ms for sorts in the domain of TF PFM: Mw ? Ms , for each PF in Σ PM Mw , for each P in Σ
Many-Sorted Σ-Sentences Closed many-sorted first-order formulae (no variables) Sort generation constraint over Σ Σ X T Many-Sorted Atomic Σ-Formulae Many-Sorted First-Order Formulae Variables X over Σ Terms T: X + applications of Σ-functions over X
Many-Sorted First-Order Formulae Many-Sorted Atomic Σ-Formulae Application of a predicate symbol to terms Existential equation Strong equation Assertion def t: defining value of term t Many-Sorted First-Order Formulae Add formula “false” and closing under implication and universal quantification
Sort Generation Constraint Over Σ A given set of sorts is generated by a given set of functions Along with a signature morphism that allows translation ({nat}, {0; suc}, id)
Satisfaction of sentences P(t1,…,tn) is satisfied if the value of t1 to tn is defined and give a tuple belonging to PM “def t” is satisfied if the value of t is defined is satisfied if values of t1 and t2 are defined and equal is satisfied if values of t1 and t2 are defined and equal or both values are undefined A sort-generation constraint is satisfied if the carriers of the sorts in are generated by the function symbols in from the values in the carriers of sorts not in . Then ╞═
Entailment System Rules of derivation
Soundness and Completeness CASL institutions equipped with the provided entailment system is sound Completeness: it is complete if sort generation constraints are not used.
Sub-Sorting in CASL Injective embedding between carriers (not necessarily as inclusions) Allows for more general models in which values of a sub-sort and super-sort are represented differently Integers (represented as 32-bit words) and Reals (represented using floating-point representation)
Sub-sorted Institutions A category of sub-sorted signatures is defined A functor from this category into the category of many-sorted signatures is defined The notations of models, sentences, and satisfaction is borrowed from the many-sorted institutions via this functor
Sub-sorted Signature Σ = (S, TF, PF, P, ≤) ≤: reflexive and transitive relation on set of sorts Sub-sorted signature morphism: many-sorted signature morphism that preserves “≤” and “overloading relations” between functions Overloading relation Shared sub-sort in their domain Shared super-sort in their range
Constructing Sub-Sorted Signatures from Many-Sorted Signatures em: embedding pr: projection in: membership predicate for each pair of sorts s ≤ s’ Construction ^ is a functor from category of sub-sorted signatures into the category of many-sorted signatures em pr
Sub-Sorted Models Many-sorted models satisfying some axioms Embedding functions are injective. The embedding of a sort into itself is the identity function. All compositions of embedding functions between the same two sorts are equal functions. Projection functions are injective when defined. Embedding followed by projection is identity. Membership in a sub-sort holds just when the projection to the sub-sort is defined. Embedding is compatible with those functions and predicates that are in the overloading relations.
Sub-Sorted Sentences Sub-sorted Σ-sentences are ordinary many-sorted sentences for Translation of sentences along a sub-sorted signature morphism σ is ordinary many-sorted translation along
Satisfaction and proofs Reuse satisfaction conditions from many-sorted Proof calculus can borrowed from the many-sorted case Φ├─Σφ Φ U Ax(Σ)├─Σφ Soundness and completeness follow from the many-sorted case ^
Structured Specifications
Structured Specifications SPEC1 and SPEC2 (Union): Combines specifications (re-use) SPEC1 with Symbol Mapping (Translation) : Renaming of symbols SPEC1 hide Symbol List (Reduction): Hiding symbols SPEC1 Then SPEC2 (Extension): Enriching models by declaring new symbols and asserting their properties and/or specializing the interpretation of already declared symbols Free {SPEC}: Restricting to free data-types
Naming, Parameterization, & Views Name to refer to the specification Generic specifications: parameters Instantiation: providing an argument for each parameter + a fitting morphism from the parameter to the argument Fitting may also be achieved by use of named views between the parameter and argument specifications view VN : SP to SP’ = Symbol Mapping
Architectural Specifications Provides a means for stating how implementation units are used as building blocks for larger components Consist of declaration and/or definition of units together with a way of assembling them extension
Architectural Specifications
Architectural Specifications Keywords given: imported units with: renaming (mapping of symbols) hide/reveal: unit reduction (hide some symbols in unit) and: amalgamation of units fit: fitting an argument to the corresponding formal argument for the generic unit, via a signature morphism in the same
Specification Refinement Fixes some expected properties but says nothing about implementation Model class becomes smaller and smaller Techniques: Views: model class inclusion Refinement R1 = SP1 refined to SP2 Refinement R1 = SP1 refined to arch spec ASP Reducing to implementation of smaller specifications via an architectural specification The model class of SP1 is included in the model class of SP2 Refine structured spec into arch spec
Tools Hets: The Heterogeneous Tool Set Support for all layers of CASL + CASL sub-languages and extensions Parsing, analysis, proof Supporting multiple logics Hets web-based interface: Other tools: CASL consistency checker, CASLtoPVS, CATS, HOL-CASL
Case Study: Warehouse System
Case Study: Warehouse System
Case Study: Warehouse System
Conclusion CASL is a complex specification language that provides formal semantics and proof calculus for all its constructs Orthogonal layers Basic specs: writing theories in a specific logic Structured and architectural specs: logic independent semantics Tool support
References T. Mossakowski, A. Haxthausen, D. Sannella and A. Tarlecki. CASL -- the Common Algebraic Specification Language: semantics and proof theory. Computing and Informatics 22:285-321 (2003). An extended version of this paper appeared in the book Logics of Specification Languages, 241--298, D. Bjørner and M. Henson eds., Springer (2008). P.D. Mosses and M. Bidoit. Casl – The Common Algebraic Specification Language: User Manual, volume 2900 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2004. P.D. Mosses (ed.). Casl – The Common Algebraic Specification Language: Reference Manual, volume 2960 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2004. Hets is available from . R. Khedri, Formal Methods for Software Specification and Development, McMaster University.