Tri-Valley High School Announcements Tuesday, October 11, 2016
Nightmare in Nashport Nightmare in Nashport needs at least 5 more volunteers to help run the trail every weekend in October. Come find out more info and sign up in Ms. Verhoff’s room (N-4).
Seussified Christmas Carol The cast can pick up their scripts in the office.
Choir Discount Cards Purchase discount cards from the choir for only $7 each. To buy one, see a choir member or Mrs. Japikse for more info.
Financial Aid Night Wednesday, October 12th, 2016
TV Marching Band Congrats on qualifying for OMEA State Marching Band finals for the 35th consecutive time.
Jostens Jostens will be at lunch Wednesday 10/12 to take class ring orders and graduation orders. Extra packets are in the office.
Yearbook Order forms can be picked up in the office or in T-05. The current offer will continue until 10/28. Take advantage of low price.
College Visits Today: OSU School of Cosmetology 8th period Tuesday: U of Cincinnati 7th period Wednesday: Miami U 7th period Thursday: Malone U. 8th period Friday: West Liberty U. 8th period
A Cappella Club Will meet Wednesday 10/12 at 3 pm on the stage
Ruriteen Ruriteen will be having its October meeting Wednesday after school. Come join us to hear about our current and upcoming volunteer opportunities! The meeting will be held in Ms. Verhoff’s room (N-4).
PSAT October 11, 2016. All students signed up for the PSAT should report to the cafeteria (7:50).