Eden Boys’ School Preston Curriculum and Assessment
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Eden Boys’ School, Preston Our curriculum emphasises the importance of intellectual study and focuses on learning and progress. We believe that this will best equip our pupils for the pathways that lead to university, the professions and success in whatever career they eventually choose. We are determined that our students will compete on equal terms with students coming from the most privileged circumstances. We provide our pupils with an academic, but rounded, education that gives them the best possible chance to succeed. IAD 5min
High Expectations – our Curriculum and Assessment Model Builds progress across 5 years Underpinned by KS2 and integrates with new Grade criteria – both are more challenging in terms of content, pass marks and grade boundaries. Teachers use to plan and assess for progress. Prioritises learning and progression.
Grading System
How the Grading System works in year 7 9-1 grades are used highest grade that can be achieved in year 7 is a grade ‘4a’ Average grade in year 7 is a grade ‘2a’ In each subject a target is set for the end of the year. For each subject, the half termly report card will predict what the pupils will achieve at the end of the year.
How the Grading System works in year 8 At the end of year 8, a pupil of average ability should achieve ‘3b’. A pupil achieving a grade ‘3b’ is on course for a grade ‘5’ at the end of their GCSE. At the end of year 8, a pupil of high ability would achieve a ‘4a’or above.
Curriculum Serves Achievement High Expectations Raise Aspirations Improve Opportunities “The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and failing; but in setting our aim too low, and succeeding.” Michelangelo
Aspirational Targets KS2 SATs SCORE National Average EBP (Star) Expectation 116 8 9 100 5 6 90 4
Well done to our year 11 boys Eden Boys’ Preston Religious Studies 96% of pupils achieved GCSE grade 4 and above (standard pass) 89% of pupils achieved GCSE grade 5 and above (strong pass) 52% of pupils achieved GCSE grade 7 and above (A/A*) 6% of pupils achieved a GCSE grade 9: Muhammad Chotia, Umar Faruq Ibrahim, Muhammed Jogiyat Progress 8 score 1.3 IAD 5min
Curriculum and Assessment Booklet Informs you about the key content, key skills and assessments which will be covered each half term across the year in each of his subjects GCSE overview of assessment in each subject
Parental Involvement Ensure excellent attendance and punctuality Promote a positive attitude to learning- aiming for the best. It is not cool to fail. Ensure he is ready for learning – equipment, books. 100% attendance to Intervention. Literacy: lots of Reading (fiction and non- fiction) and watch the news. Numeracy: practise times tables and mental arithmetic. Discuss his half-Termly Report (Nov, Jan, Mar, Apr, June) Attend all performance Review Meetings & Parents’ Evenings Any Problems? Contact the school - HoY is your first point of contact)