Joe seems to have accepted the experience and moved on with his life, yet Simon is stuck with the label of “the one who cut the rope.” Why do you think this is? Daily Journal 29 October 2015
What do the film creators do to communicate this sense of madness to the viewer?
Discussion The last thought that Joe experiences before being discovered is that he simply does not want to die alone. Do you see this as a universal need or specific to Joe?
Literature Circle Roles Discussion Director Summarizer Word Master Connector Culture Collector Cartographer – Map maker Character Curator (PLEASE WAIT ON THIS AS WE WILL TURN THIS INTO A GROUP ACTIVITY)
Family Ties… Character curators can be leaders in this activity 1) With your team, create a list of characters, 2) Note their relationships to other characters 3) Add a few details about their individual history or story.
Discuss the role of gender in this book Discuss the role of gender in this book. How are men and women represented? What do you think of the characters’ opinions of men and women? Example: Women are “yin” and men are “yang?” Why?
This is a complex novel with unfamiliar names, unfamiliar places, spanning decades (epic), and with complicated character relationships. How would you help your audience to keep the stories organized and understandable?
Consider how the director uses the camera to introduce this film Consider how the director uses the camera to introduce this film. What is the effect? Joy Luck – 00:02:45 -