1.3: Midpoints and Bisectors WELCOME 1.3: Midpoints and Bisectors Last Night’s Homework: 1.2 Handout Tonight’s Homework: 1.3 Handout Thursday: Quiz! 1.1-1.3
Warm-Up 2. How did you determine the value of the point halfway between P and T? 3. What determines if the value of the point halfway between two points on a number line is a positive number or a negative number?
Homework Review
Chapter 1 Section 3
Midpoint Formula (the average of x , the average of y) B A Give Given A(x1,y1) & B(x2,y2) the midpoint of AB is … B A (the average of x , the average of y)
Using Mid Points
Bisecting a Segment The midpoint of a segment is the point that bisects the line into two congruent segments. A M B
M is the midpoint of the line segment. Solve for x: