Quality Assurance and Enhancement What is Quality Assurance? Why do it? How is it done? Any questions? Sarah Davies Director of Quality Assurance and Enhancement , Centre for Learning Innovation and Professional Practice (CLIPP) Dr Trevor Oliver Deputy Executive Dean, Engineering & Applied Science October 2017
What is Quality Assurance? UK Universities award their own degrees National threshold academic standards – set out a minimum level of achievement that has to be reached for students to achieve the qualification Quality Assurance: ‘the systematic monitoring and evaluation of learning and teaching, and the processes that support them, to make sure that the standards of academic awards meet the Expectations set out in the Quality Code, and that the quality of the student learning experience is being safeguarded and improved’ (QAA Glossary)
What is Quality Enhancement? ‘ the process by which higher education providers systematically improve the quality of provision and the ways in which students' learning is supported’ (QAA Glossary) Why it matters – national requirements/ student experience. WonkHE
How it works at Aston (1) Learning & Teaching Strategy Senate and University and School Learning & Teaching Committees Work with students: oral and written feedback, student representation Work with employers and professional bodies Involvement of external peers in programme approval and review
How it works at Aston (2) all new Programmes have to be formally approved annual monitoring is carried out to reflect on how the module/programme has run in the past year and to consider changes for the future more detailed reviews, ‘Periodic Reviews’ with students and external staff involved, are carried out every six years: research degrees as well as taught external examiners from other Universities advise on academic standards and how they compare to similar awards in other Universities
Why you might want to contact the Quality Team Changes to the curriculum/new curriculum Monitoring and Review Periodic Review Academic regulations One quality team, some based centrally in CLIPP, a Quality Officer in each School. Facilitate getting things done. In all these areas policy papers and advice – around the curriculum the support of a Design Navigator. How the committees operate. Navigate the committees
Why we might want to contact you (1) Changes to the curriculum/new curriculum To confirm the curriculum – for recruitment and admissions purposes and for information to students Monitoring and Review To complete an annual evaluation of module and/or programme Periodic Review To plan this event. To act as a Panel member Academic regulations To attend annual examination board briefings External audit /accreditation To contribute to these activities/events What can change and what can’t, responsibilities to students
Why we might want to contact you (2) To share good practice To improve what we do Source of good practice for new staff – plans for future. Experience as staff or students. through membership of committees and working groups, presenting at the annual conference, adding material to the CLIPP database, Open to change . Curriculum management – more joined up. Dashboard for data
Any questions?