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Presentation transcript:

Insert Meeting Date and Presenters Insert County Name County Child and Family Services Review (CFSR) PIP Monitoring Orientation Insert Meeting Date and Presenters PA CFSR Procedures Manual - Appendix 10

Introductions and Agenda Welcome and introductions Agenda for today’s meeting: Provide a high-level overview of the phases and purpose of the CFSR Explain the steps in PA’s CFSR process and the role of the county in supporting the pre, during and post CFSR activities Review what will be measured during the CFSR case review and things of note regarding the Onsite Review Instrument (OSRI) Review PA and the county’s performance from 2017 PIP monitoring review schedule What happens if my case is pulled for the review How can the CFSR help us Questions and answers Tip: Add your own speaker notes here. PA CFSR Procedures Manual - Appendix 10

Phases of CFSR Implementation CFSRs have occurred since 2000.   Pennsylvania participated in Round 1 in 2002 and Round 2 in 2008.  Implemented Round 3 (FFY 2015 – 2018) nationwide PA participated in a state-conducted onsite review in 2017 PA Statewide Assessment - Submitted in February 2017  PA Onsite Reviews  Onsite case reviews in 7 counties (Butler, Mercer, Centre, Lycoming, Northampton, Lehigh and Philadelphia) held from April – July 2017 PA's CFSR Final Report Summary of Findings from PA’s CFSR Final Report PA Program Improvement Plan (PIP) Development, Implementation and Monitoring Development, implementation and monitoring of a statewide Program Improvement Plan (PIP)  PIP monitoring via case reviews conducted in 7 counties (Butler, Mercer, Centre, Lycoming, Northampton, Lehigh and Philadelphia) during April – July 2019 Tip: Add your own speaker notes here. PA CFSR Procedures Manual - Appendix 10

Purpose of the CFSR Periodic reviews of state child welfare systems that: Are a collaborative effort between federal and state governments​ Assess the outcomes of children and families served by the state’s child welfare agencies​ Examine identified systemic factors that affect the ability of state agencies to help children and families achieve positive outcomes.​ Capture state program strengths and areas needing improvement.​ There may be a reduction in the Federal funds received by the state if the state does not demonstrate improvement in the outcomes being measured. NOTE: Outcomes being measured will be identified during this presentation.

What CFSR is and is NOT CFSR is… CFSR is NOT… An opportunity to evaluate safety, permanency and well-being outcomes at the state and county level.  An opportunity for the agency to receive objective feedback about case practice An opportunity for both the state and county to identify areas of strength and improvement in practice at the local level as well as systemic barriers that may exist at the state level CFSR is NOT… A county licensing or compliance review A Quality Service Review (QSR) A caseworker or supervisor performance evaluation A review of the performance of just one county or one individual case

Steps in PA’s CFSR Case Review Process During PIP Monitoring Pre-onsite case review activities Onsite review preparations Orientation of county staff Orientation of staff whose cases are included in the sample Case selection NOTE: The local site coordinator may ask you questions about the case to assist CFSR Project Managers in the case selection process Case record preparations NOTE: Local Site Coordinators may want to add additional information about what will need to be available from the case record PA CFSR Procedures Manual - Appendix 10

Interviews with Key Case Participants The following individuals related to a case must be interviewed unless they are unavailable or unwilling to participate:  The child (school-age);  School age children include those children ages 6 and older The child’s parent(s) and/or caregivers;  The child’s foster parent(s), pre-adoptive parent(s), or other caregiver(s), such as a relative caregiver or group home staff, if the child is in foster care; and  The family’s caseworker and the casework supervisor (when the caseworker has left the agency or is no longer available for interview, it is necessary to schedule interviews with the supervisor who was responsible for the caseworker assigned to the family).  NOTE: Ensuring that all the relevant participants of the case are available for interviews is critical for a successful review process.

Steps in PA’s CFSR Case Review Process During PIP Monitoring Onsite Case Review Activities CFSR case reviews are conducted by two trained and certified reviewers who review case file and conduct focused interviews with key case participants Reviewers complete a federal tool called the Onsite Review Instrument (OSRI) which evaluates outcomes of safety, permanency and well-being Once the reviewers complete the tool, it goes through a quality assurance process to ensure that they completed it accurately QA debriefings Refer to Handout of the PIP Monitoring Case Review Week Schedule

Role of the County in the Case Review Process – Onsite Review Local Site Coordinator Onsite Review Responsibilities: Working with State Site Coordinator to address any safety issues or conflict of interest issues that arise Assisting reviewers in addressing interview scheduling issues that might arise Assist reviewers in clarifying information found in case records Assist reviewers in connecting with caseworker/supervisor to answer additional questions Participation in the QA debriefings as an opportunity to share any additional information to support the successful completion of the OSRI Obtaining caseworker/supervisor feedback on specific cases, which is provided by Assigned QA Specialists Caseworker/Supervisor Onsite Review Responsibilities: To be available for the interview to answer questions posed by CFSR reviewers regarding case activities that occurred during the period under review and be available for follow up questions, as needed Tip: Add your own speaker notes here. PA CFSR Procedures Manual - Appendix 10

Steps in PA’s CFSR Case Review Process During PIP Monitoring Post Onsite Case Review Activities Exit conference facilitated by State and Local Site Coordinators with participation by CFSR QA Coordinator and those individuals identified by the county (i.e. county staff leadership) Ongoing support from state and technical assistance provider community, as needed and requested by the county

Role of the County in the Case Review Process – Post Onsite Local Site Coordinator Post Onsite Review Responsibilities: Coordination and facilitation of an Exit Conference immediately (or soon after the onsite CFSR) once all cases finalized and flexibility in how debrief is structured and who is invited NOTE: Participants should include county administrator, OCYF regional office staff, CWRC OE/QIS staff, CFSR QA Coordinator, and CFSR project managers Follow up, as determined by the county, with information outlined on Caseworker/Supervisor Feedback Forms submitted by Assigned QA Specialist following the finalization of the OSRI County Staff Post Onsite Review Responsibilities: While there remain no requirements for a county to develop case specific next steps or county improvement plan, it is recognized that practice improvements may need to happen at the local level to ensure improved outcomes.  The statewide PIP will be focused on addressing statewide systemic factors identified as areas needing improvement.  Counties may choose to access the technical assistance collaborative community to support their ongoing continuous quality improvement efforts. Tip: Add your own speaker notes here. PA CFSR Procedures Manual - Appendix 10

What Does the CFSR Measure Safety Outcome 1: Children are, first and foremost, protected from abuse and neglect. Agency responses to all accepted child maltreatment reports initiated, and face to face contact with child(ren) made, within time frames established by agency policies or state statutes Safety Outcome 2: Children are safely maintained in their homes whenever possible and appropriate. Concerted efforts to provide services to the family to prevent children’s entry into foster care or re-entry after reunification Concerted efforts to assess and address risk and safety concerns relating to children in their own homes or while in foster care The presenter of this information will want to note that those outcomes that have arrows to the left are identified as such because those are the outcomes that PA needs to show improvement on.  If improvement does not occur during PIP monitoring, PA, as a state, will be at risk of financial penalties. PA CFSR Procedures Manual - Appendix 10

What Does the CFSR Measure Permanency Outcome 1: Children have permanency and stability in their living situations Stable placement Appropriate permanency goals in a timely manner Achievement of reunification, guardianship, adoption, or other planned permanent living arrangement Permanency Outcome 2: The continuity of family relationships and connections is preserved for children Siblings in foster care are placed together Visitation between a child in foster care and his or her mother, father, and siblings Preserving the child’s connections Placement of the child with relatives Positive relationships between the child in foster care and his or her mother and father PA CFSR Procedures Manual - Appendix 10

What Does the CFSR Measure Well-Being Outcome 1: Families have enhanced capacity to provide for their children’s needs Assessing the needs and provide services to children, parents, and foster parents Making concerted efforts to involve parents and children in the case planning process Frequency and quality of visits between caseworkers and child(ren) Frequency and quality of visits between caseworkers and the mothers and fathers Well-Being Outcome 2: Children receive appropriate services to meet their educational needs Children’s educational needs Well-Being Outcome 3: Children receive adequate services to meet their physical and mental health needs Physical health needs and mental/behavioral health needs PA CFSR Procedures Manual - Appendix 10

Things of Note Regarding the Onsite Review Instrument (OSRI) In rating the case, reviewers take into consideration all case activity from April 1, 2018 up to the point the review occurs in the county (or when the cases closes or when the child turns 18 years of age). Item ratings are determined based on what occurred during the entire period under review The OSRI involves looking at compliance with federal standards. The OSRI is a standardized testing tool. There are very specific things that are asked of reviewers when applying information to the OSRI.  The information gathered via interviews is weighted the same as information that is documented in the case file.   The accuracy of the ratings is directly connected to the information provided from key case participants in addition to what is outlined in the case file.

Things of Note Regarding the Onsite Review Instrument The OSRI and case review process provides an opportunity to find areas of strength as well as areas for improvement in practice in the hopes of informing next steps to improve outcomes There is a small margin for error in the federal tool.​ To obtain a strength rating in most items, several areas of practice must be met.​  For example, when looking at the item related to assessing needs and services for children, parents and foster parents, reviewers must consider:​ Did assessments occur?​ Were they of quality?​ Did the assessments accurately identify needs?​ Were the services put in place to match the identified needs?​ Did the services that were put in place improve the areas of need?​

PA’s Performance During 2017

County Performance During 2017 It is suggested that the county insert data/information regarding their individual performance here It may also be beneficial for a county to add a slide following this slide so that they can outline any system/practice changes that they have implemented since the 2017 case review

PIP Monitoring Onsite Case Review Schedule Case reviews in each county are scheduled to occur from April – July 2019 NOTE: The CFSR case review has been scheduled for a week, but it is estimated that each case review will take 3 days. The Exit Conference will either occur the day after the last day of the onsite review week or soon after the onsite review week. A minimum number of 65 cases will be reviewed statewide. Region County Dates Western Butler April 1-5, 2019   Mercer April 23-26, 2019 Central Centre May 6-10, 2019 Lycoming May 20-24, 2019 Northeast Northampton June 3-7, 2019 Lehigh July 22-26, 2019 Southeast Philadelphia June 17-21, 2019 and June 24-28, 2019

What Happens If My Case Is Pulled for the Review? The county will work with you in preparing the case for the review to ensure that all necessary information that occurred during the entire period under review is available for the review team. An additional orientation session will be held with staff who have a case selected for the review to walk through case preparation in more detail. You will learn more about the questions you will be asked during the interview You will learn more about concerted efforts and case activities that are examples of concerted efforts.    You will be interviewed during the review  Information learned during the case review process will be shared with the Local Site Coordinator and that information may be shared with individual caseworkers/supervisors whose cases were reviewed.   PA CFSR Procedures Manual - Appendix 10

How Can the CFSR Help Us? The CFSR provides for… The evaluation of best-case practice rooted in federal performance outcomes  An in-depth review of child/youth and family’s safety, permanency and well-being outcomes as well as quality of service provision Objective feedback and an opportunity for learning It is suggested that a county add any additional information that they would like to include here PA CFSR Procedures Manual - Appendix 10
