World War II Looms: Dictators Threaten World Peace Introductory Question: What were the causes of WWI? Would WWII have some of the same causes? Explain.
Joseph Stalin Nation: Soviet Union Political System: Communism Political Movement and Beliefs: *Communism should be spread throughout the world by workers’ revolutions * state ownership of property * eventual rule by the working class Aggressive Actions of the 20s-30s *collectivism of agriculture = government controls farms *industrialization of the nation * the Great Purge = executing all those who oppose the government (8 – 13 million)
Benito Mussolini Nation: Italy Political System: fascism Political Movement and Beliefs: *Extreme nationalism *militaristic expansionism *strong centralized govt. *private property & businesses allowed, but under strict govt. control *anti-communism Aggressive Actions of the 20s-30s * Comes to power through “March on Rome” * Part of the Rome-Berlin Axis Pact * Invades Ethiopia
African Americans Support Ethiopians “We can never forget the help Ethiopia received from Negro Americans during the terrible crisis. . . . It moved me to know that Americans of African descent did not abandon their embattled brothers, but stood by us.” (Haile Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia)