Wave Motion p.14
Waves have 3 general options when they encounter a medium Reflect Absorb Transmit
Reflect: Bounce back Example: Echoes in a canyon
Transmit: Pass through Example: Sound through air
Absorb: taken in Example: Sound proofing a room
Many times more than one thing is happening at once. Example- Echolocation is the use of sound waves and echoes to determine where objects are in space
Light examples
Reflection of light by the moon works the same as a mirror
Transmission of light through a window
Some mediums bend the light as they pass through Refraction-bending of a wave
We see the color black because it absorbs all light waves
Many times more than one thing is happening at once. Why do we see different colors from white light?
How do rainbows work?
Sometimes the wave gets bent and spread out Diffraction: The bending and spreading of a wave usually around an obstacle