U6: Tues & Wed complete tenements living conditions & Ellis Island tour (open doc and save as a Google Doc be sure to title it your first name last initial(s) title of assignment and core: Jenny J Ellis Island 5 U6-Thursday 1/2 day: email Immigration assignments to me at: jennyjackson1974@gmail.com Then, take the modern day citizenship test & play the immigration nation (Thursday’s assignment on the half day citizenship longer test short answer Practice Modern Day Citizenship Test short multiple choice Immigration Nation
Great Day to be in the Carolinas!!! Today’s Agenda (3-27 Monday) If you finish early, please organize & study ALL UNIT 6 information to prepare for our review game Tuesday & TEST WEDNESDAY immigration-nation play game GOAL: Investigate Labor Unions & methods workers used to advocate for better conditions. Directions: Go today’s calendar to access the Labor Union Webquest (there are independent links for any websites that do not open) labor union webquest Read & record info about key players in labor unions, the tactics they used, & the improvements they fought for during the Industrial Revolution