Research Administrators Forum April 4, 2012 WPIC Auditorium
Agenda IRB Human Resources Research Updates Human Subjects training program Clearances 33/34/73 Human Resources Conducting Stay Interviews Research Updates
Institutional Review Board Human Subjects training program Clearances 33/34/73 Dr. Christpher Ryan
Human Resources Conducting Stay Interviews Sheonna Perrin
Research Updates Application deadlines Travel Policies Updates NIH Salary Cap Changes OGC Staff Updates Fraud Training Presentation Fringe Benefit Rate Increase for FY 13 COI and Research Integrity Module
Application Deadlines Office of Research will not guarantee that a proposal submitted after the internal deadline will be submitted on time Therefore we are revising the OGC internal deadlines to make sure University internal deadlines will be met Due dates have not changed, but we have to shift when some documents are due to the OGC
Application Deadlines We are now requiring that the following items are due on the same day as the budget (13 days prior to agency deadline) Budget justification Abstract (draft) First two pages of the SF 424 PI Signature Template Grant Application due dates have been updated on the OGC website FINAL application is still due 8 business days prior to agency deadline
Research Committee If faculty effort on a subaccount to another department or subcontract to another institution exceeds 5%, the proposals needs to be reviewed by the Research Committee (RCC) Supplements: Competing supplements also require review by the RCC (“mini-review” – 1 reviewer) Note: RCC requires submission at least one month prior to agency due date (lack of RCC approval can be another reason for not meeting internal Office of Research)
Travel Reimbursements Type of Employment Method of Reimbursement UPMC Employee My Hub/My Expenses (online) Pitt Employee Pitt Travel and Business Report (Hard Copy) Graduate Student Student Non-Pitt or UPMC Affiliates
UPMC Travel UPMC Policy Update: November 18, 2011 Prior approval is required for travel which includes any one of the following: Overnight stay Hotel Car rental Air Travel Travel Expense Request (Pre-approval) form on OGC website Include Travel Expense Request form with your expense documentation; signed by supervisor
UPMC Travel A document scanning solution will soon replace the UPMC expense envelope OGC will send out an announcement when this happens Business related meals maximum reimbursement Breakfast $18 Dinner $42
UPMC Travel UPMC employees can purchase tickets using the Supply Chain/MyTravel option under MyHub. Supply Chain Tab - Travel UPMC Carlson Wagonlit, UPMC's authorized travel agency For UPMC travel reservations: 1-877-786-3489 Both Carlson Wagonlit phone numbers for Pitt and UPMC are on the OGC website
Pitt Travel Reimbursement of meals or hotel expenses of another University employee is not permitted under university policy Dean’s memo dated February 3, 2012 Please make sure your PI is aware! Submit your T&B request within 180 days of your travel date Unable to reimburse expenses after that deadline! Any requests for exceptions to the University T&B policy should be made before the expense is incurred Requests for exceptions must be sent to the OGC Grants Specialist assigned to your grants Exceptions require comprehensive justification!
Pitt Travel Business meals that include non-University employees (i.e. recruiting lunch) Meal cost including tip must not exceed $60 per person Can not exceed more than 10 attendees Need to include list of attendees, affiliation, detailed receipt, and clear description of the meeting
Pitt Travel Pitt T&B forms are going electronic Pitt employees can also use Carlson Wagonlit for travel arrangements, but you must use the Pitt specific phone number: For travel reservations: 1-877-786-3493 Both Carlson Wagonlit phone numbers for Pitt and UPMC are on the OGC website Pitt T&B forms are going electronic Your OGC Grants Specialist will inform you of what you need to do when it is implemented
All Travel Save Boarding Pass and Credit Card Statement for flight verification Hotel Room: Standard Single Room Rate Need a balance of $0 on hotel receipt Submit requests as quickly as possible (90 days) Fly America Act: all flights charged on a Federal award must be booked using a US flag air carrier regardless of the cost Effective 7/1/2011 Mileage Rate: 55.5 cents per mile
NIH Salary Cap Federal Fiscal Year 2012 (FFY 12) Oct 1, 2011 to Sept 30, 2012 Grant Awards issued between Oct 1, 2011- Dec 22, 2011 Use Executive Level I salary limitation of $199,700 Grant Awards issued on or after Dec 23, 2011 (new grants as well as continuations) Use Executive Level II salary limitation of $179,700 (Dec 23, 2011 to Sept 30, 2012)
OGC Staff Updates Departing Staff Jessica Thomas New Staff Anna Heher, Post Award Ryan Stoner has transferred to the OGC Personnel Team. Please send any positions (Post Docs) that are going to start in the fall (Sept) to Aniko ASAP
Staff Recognition Nominate a staff member as WPIC Research Employee of the Year! Nomination period closes April 15, 2012 Nomination materials were sent out to all PI’s and RAF list – if you need the nomination form, contact Ginnie Lape at Research Employee of the Year will be presented on Staff Appreciation Day (May 30)
Fraud Training Presentation P-card and WePay fraud on grants is a federal crime Remove Opportunity to commit a crime Monitor, reconcile accounts Trust but verify Ask Questions Fraud Team (412) 647-5774 Anonymous Hotline (877) 983-8442
Fringe Benefit Rates FY 13 Staff Fringe Benefit rate increase Federal funds: 31.8% to 38.4% (6.6%) increase Non Federal funds: 33.9% to 41.5% (7.6%) increase Major impact on personnel budget of grants because 3% inflationary increase in out-year’s has also been cancelled – monitor carefully!
Conflict of Interest University of Pittsburgh Conflict of Interest Super form needs to be completed each year by April 15th Office of Research will not approve research applications or NGA’s if this form is not updated by April 15th Once the form is complete send the signed print out to Deb Teagarden in the Chair’s Office
Research Integrity Module All faculty members must complete the Research Integrity Module in addition to the Conflict of Interest Module Research Integrity Module must be completed by September 1, 2012
End of Fiscal Year 2012 In order for an item to be accounted for in FY 12 the item must be; Purchased Received And paid for before June 30, 2012
Pre Award Trainings Pre-Award training on R applications April 18th and 26th from 10:00 – 11:00 OGC Conference room
Upcoming Events WPIC Safety and Security Training Monday, April 16, 2012 Update your contact information WPIC Staff Recognition Day Wednesday, May 30, 2012 Research Day Thursday, June 7, 2012
OGC Website