7. Management of reporting for 2012


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Presentation transcript:

7. Management of reporting for 2012 13. March 2012 5th meeting of the Working Group on Data, Information and Knowledge Exchange (WG DIKE) Mette Wolstrup

WISE Information flow - reporting Water Information System for Europe (WISE) INPUTS OUTPUT MSFD Water Framework Urban Waste Water Floods E-PRTR Nitrates Bathing Drinking Water

What to report Electronic XML based reporting (schema) 6 schemas: All files are to be uploaded in EEA's Reportnet GB, Geographical boundaries COM, Features and characteristics PI, Pressures and impacts ESA, Economic and social analysis GES, Good environmental status TI, Targets and indicators

Submission workflow Technical implementation of agreed spreadsheets Facilitiate MS reporting to ensure meet agreed minimum and consistent standard across all Member States

Tools and documents for the reporting Access Database Schema (xml) Tools (Conversion of data to xml and desktop validation) Stylesheet ("Read friendly" output of reported data) Resource page: http://icm.eionet.europa.eu/schemas/dir200856ec/resources Getting help User Manual Training videos Helpdesk: helpdeskWISEreporting@atkinsglobal.com

From spreadsheet to Database

Access database

Access database (2)

Conversion tool Conversion tool: Tool which links to the access database and generates a XML file on the basis of the selected schema

Schema Schema is defining the required XML structure to be uploaded in Reportnet Makes it possible to run validation check on data

Desktop validation tool Desktop Validation tool: Validation carried out in desktop tool before uploading files in Reportnet Validates the XML files Same checks and output as ReportNet

View XML output in HTML In validation tool it is possible to view XML output

Ressource page

Timeline 1st test phase: Very important to have volunteers – the best way to strenghten reporting products. Training day in June 2012 Helpdesk start when tools are released (feedback within a day) helpdeskWISEreporting@atkinsglobal.com


Thank you! Mette.Wolstrup@atkinsglobal.com atkins_ppt_new-3