EXECUTIVE EXAMPLE -National Hero -set many precedents for future leaders -developed Cabinet -defined appointment powers -expanded foreign affairs powers -became legislative leader
1ST CONGRESS -Bill of Rights ratified 10 Amendments -passed Judiciary Act Supreme Court
FINANCIAL DEBATE -nation had large war debt -Alexander Hamilton’s plan -tariff -pay all debts -national bank system -debate over power to create a national bank -implied powers?
FINANCIAL DEBATE -nation had large war debt -Alexander Hamilton’s plan -tariff -pay all debts -national bank system -debate over power to create a national bank -implied powers?
POLITICAL AFFAIRS -British harassment of settlers in the west -French Revolution in 1789 -British and French at war -U.S. neutrality -Whiskey Rebellion -farmer’s rebellion over an excise tax on whiskey they produced -rebellion crushed by Washington and the army before it begins -proves the strength of the new federal gov’t
POLITICAL AFFAIRS -Jay’s Treaty -trade treaty with Britain -highly unpopular b/c of the Revolution -Pinckney’s Treaty -trade treaty with Spain -access to the Mississippi R. -Treaty of Greenville -Battle of Fallen Timbers -Ohio Valley area
WASHINGTON’S WARNING -served two terms but refused another -political fighting had already begun -Farewell Warnings -no political parties -no involvement in foreign affairs