You need: A pencil, eraser, scissors and your Science duo-tang PAYLOAD LIFT OFF You need: A pencil, eraser, scissors and your Science duo-tang
Work On It In groups, you will have some time to discuss ideas for your rocket Once you have determined a plan, you will have additional time to build your rocket
Time for Lift Off! One at a time, each team will launch their rockets to the ceiling
Communicate Answer Communicate questions 1 to 6 on page 31
You may mistakenly think that the balloon is pushing against the floor or the air to move forward. This is not the case. The way these balloon rockets work is a demonstration of Newton’s 3rd Law of Dynamics, which states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Thrust is measured in Newtons.
In the balloon rockets, as the air rushes out of the balloon in one direction, there is a reaction that forces the balloon to move in the opposite direction with the same amount of force. If the air rushes out of a balloon in an uneven way, when it is not attached to a piece of fishing line, it will shoot randomly about the room.