Crime, Investigation and the Law 2018 Saturday 1st and Saturday 8th December 2018
Aims of the project Target 40 Year 10/11 students with the aim of increasing awareness of careers in the police force, forensic investigation and criminal justice system Provide IAG relating to HE progression routes and demonstrate ‘real world’ applications of HE study Raise aspirations and provide positive role models in crime and investigation related careers Engage parents in their capacity as key influencers in their child’s Post-16 options
Partners University of Central Lancashire – provided interactive Forensics session facilitated by Forensics Student Ambassadors Lancaster and Morecambe College – provided Student Ambassadors/Marketing Team for 2nd day Marketplace University of Cumbria – provided Law Student Ambassadors, marquee, also facilitated lecture by Barry Lees (Lecturer in Policing and Investigation) Lancashire Police – facilitated ‘crashed car’ scenario and provided guidance on career pathways Reiterate – a big thank you to all partners who made the event such a success
Targeting young people Posters were sent to a number of schools in the Lancashire area with further details of the project and where to find the online application form Also advertised through networks such as Young Cadets and local community centres Over 150 applications, however it was difficult to attract students from NCOP postcodes Applications were prioritized based on NCOP postcode and then WP Criteria Travel support was offered to young people i.e. train tickets from Preston to Lancaster Not sure how much we want to go into detail regarding the postcodes!
Day 1 – Forensics and Investigation On arrival, the group of 40 students was split into two groups of 20 One group went outside to view the ‘crashed car scenario’ which formed the basis of the investigation; this was delivered by Lancashire Police The second group completed an interactive forensics session with UCLAN Student Ambassadors, in which the students went round a carousel of fingerprinting, documenting analysis and trace evidence, both groups then swapped sessions After lunch, students were given a talk on ‘restorative justice’ by Phil Cawley (Lancashire Police) to explore how victims attempt to receive ‘closure’ by meeting with the offenders and asking questions Finally, a ‘careers and university Q&A’ delivered by Barry Lees (University of Cumbria), Lancashire Police and Student Ambassadors from the different institutions
Day 2 – Law The students boarded a coach to Lancaster Castle, where they were given a guided tour of the old Crown Court and Family Court After lunch on campus, the groups took part in a ‘mock court’ session with LU Law/Criminology Lecturers, based on the case they had been studying There was also a talk on ‘student life’ by LU Student Ambassadors, with time for a Q&A All partners contributed to a HE marketplace where students and their parents were invited to ask questions about different courses and related careers Finally, parents were invited to attend a closing session to celebrate participation and award certificates
Evaluation and feedback Student feedback 82% of students said that the project either met or exceeded their expectations. “It was an amazing experience” ‘”I enjoyed learning about the University and a subject I previously knew nothing about” ‘I particularly enjoyed the experiments with UCLAN’ Parental feedback “My son came home very inspired and is looking forward to another event like this.” “Thank you to everyone who has helped organise these two days, our young people have really enjoyed their time and got a lot out of the experience.”
Final reflections General feedback was extremely positive, with a consensus amongst partners that for a relatively ambitious project with multiple partners and subject strands, these events were delivered to a high standard Students thoroughly enjoyed the visit to the Castle, especially learning about the different punishments used for prisoners in the past A number of students commented that some sessions could have been more interactive; they particularly enjoyed the UCLAN forensics session because of its interactive nature When asked for suggested improvements, young people asked for “more information on ethical hacking” and a “more-in depth storyline”
Next steps and legacy We will be delivering some in school sessions as part of a ‘legacy project’ to ensure that we reach required number of NCOP students Several in-school sessions with small groups of young people from NCOP target wards; as interactive as possible based on previous feedback Short interactive ‘taster sessions’ providing similar opportunities to those delivered during the main project Due to the success of this project, we are planning to replicate this activity through HelloFuture with NCOP students in Cumbria