Italian Presidency July-December 2003 European Cooperation among Ministers and Directors General responsible for public administration Italian Presidency July-December 2003
The main theme: the impact of enlargement on public administrations The needs of the acceding and candidate Countries and of their public administrations will be at the centre of the main initiatives of the Cooperation during the semester The meeting of Ministers, the meeting of Directors General and the meetings of all the Working Groups in the different areas will be open to the acceding Countries and to the candidate Countries.
The main theme: the impact of enlargement on public administrations Three main subjects: Quality of public services Better regulation Training
MINISTERS AND DIRECTORS GENERAL Rome, 1 December: Meeting of Ministers Rome, 2 e 3 December: Meeting of Directors General
Innovative Public Services Meetings Conference on the implementation and diffusion of CAF in Europe Rome, 17 November Meeting of CAF Correspondents Rome, 10 September 2 IPSG meetings Rome, 11/12 September, 18/19 November Meeting IPSG Secretariat Rome, 11 July
Innovative Public Services Main activities Report of EIPA on the implementation of CAF in Europe and presentation of the Report at the Conference in Rome Contribution to the organization of the 3rd Conference on quality in public administrations (Rotterdam 2004) Management of the newsletter on the themes of public administration
Human Resources Management Meetings 2 HRMG meetings Brussels, 16 September Brussels, 11 November
Human Resources Management Main Activities Study on the use, in EU Countries, of performance and results related pay systems for senior civil servants Study on the impact of the use of new information and communication technologies on human resources management New working programme for the Group
e-government Meetings European Conference on e-government organized by the Italian Department for Innovation and Technologies and by the European Commission Como, 7/8 July 2 Meetings of the e-government working group Rome, 18/19 September (place to be determined), 13/14 November
e-government Main activities Study and analysis of the relations between central and local administrations in the implementation of e-government Discussion of the findings of the Como Conference on e-government Discussion of the OECD Report “the e-government imperative”
Better Regulation Meetings Meeting of Directors and Experts of Better Regulation Rome, 23/24 October
Better Regulation Priorities and main activities Exam of the Report of the ad hoc Working Group and programme for future activities Exam of the ways of coordination with the future Working Group of the Council on better regulation and of the process of definition of the Inter-institutional Agreement for administrative simplification
Training Meetings Meeting of the Directors of Schools and Institutes of public administration Caserta, 23/24 October Seminar for senior officials on the implementation of e-government in the management and change of public administrations Caserta, 20/21 November
Training Main activities Exam, according to the recommendations expressed by the Ministers responsible for public administration in la Rioja, on ways and tools for joint training initiatives for civil servants on themes of common interest Preparation of a Memorandum of understanding to favour the exchange of civil servants
Social Dialogue Meeting of Troika Directors General with Trade Unions Rome, 3 December
Other events Conference for young managers of European Public Administrations Rome, 28, 29, 30 November
Calendar of Meetings Date Place Meeting 4 July Rome Troika Secretariat Como European Conference on e-government 11 July IPSG – Troika Secretariat 10 September CAF correspondents 11/12 Sept. IPSG 16 September Brussels HRMG 18/19 Sept. e-government Working Group
Calendar of Meetings Date Place Meeting 19 September Rome Troika Secretariat 24/25 Sept. Task Force Enlargement 3 October Directors General - Troika 22 October to be determined Task Force Enlargement – Directors General 23/24 October Directors and Experts of Better Regulation Caserta Directors of Schools and Institutes of Public Administration
Calendar of Meetings Date Place Meeting 24 October Rome Troika Secretariat 11 November Brussels HRMG 13/14 November to be determined e-government Working Group 17 November CAF Conference 18/19 November IPSG 20/21 November Caserta Seminar for senior officials on the implementation of e-government
Calendar of Meetings Date Place Meeting 28, 29, 30 November Rome Conference for young managers of European Public Admin. 30 November Directors General – Troika 1 December Ministers 2/3 December Directors General 3 December Directors General – Troika and Trade Unions