Pro-Con Informative Speaking
Methods of Organization Pro/Con– state both sides of the issue evenly: Here’s a sample topic: The military must play a bigger role in U.S. drug interdiction efforts. Pros: Decreases crime and drug-related health problems Cons: Undermines our constitutional liberties and detracts from military training
Building the Pro Con Issue Choose a topic with two sides Analyze and examine your audience Explore topics from current events Provide new insights into familiar topics Do not take a “side”-simply give verifiable information
Building the Pro Con Issue Conduct research Library sources, testimonies statistics and examples Be willing to change or modify topic Have an even number of sources for each side of your issue State the source in the delivery of the information
Building the Pro Con Issue Phrase a clear proposition Develop sound arguments Use coherent organization In General Avoid “I think” or “in my opinion” Stress research sources to build credibility
Building the Pro Con Issue Construct a well-developed introduction Get attention Present the proposition statement Develop a forceful conclusion Reemphasize proposition statement Use a challenge to stimulate thought Ask listeners to change their minds
Pro Con Informative Style Build an effective delivery Eye contact Use gestures to emphasize arguments Face and voice to express emotions Add you references for emphasis Give equal time to each side Practice, Practice, Practice
Summary Nature of the Pro Con speech is to give information for both sides of an issue or topic. NOT for you to “take” a side. Methods of Organization-Keep points even for each side- that way the audience becomes informed. State sources for support, so the audience can draw a conclusion!