Storms Extreme Weather Compilation.mp4 Low pressure systems (cyclones) Storm Characteristics: Moisture High winds Air rushes in and moves Counter-clockwise
Watches/Warnings A watch will be issued if hazardous weather is expected for your area. A warning is issued if bad weather is close to your area.
Thunderstorms video Associated with cold fronts, when warm air rises rapidly causing massive amounts of condensation to occur and cumulonimbus clouds clouds form. When condensation occurs it releases large amounts of energy and heats up the air.
Super cell thunderstorms The thunderstorm can cause tornados and large hail due to it’s incredible updraft speed.
Lightning and Thunder
Lightning and Thunder are produced from: Strong updraft causes particles to lose or gain electrons Negative charged electrons attracted to positively charged Earth Flow of electrons is electricity (lightning) Lightning heats the air and expands explosively Thunder is the sonic boom caused by the expansion of the heated air.
Thunderstorm Safety Tips Seek shelter inside a vehicle or building above potential flood areas. If you are in an open space and can’t get to shelter get down low to the ground Unplug valuable devices
Tornadoes Intense cyclones Thunderstorms can produce tornadoes Funnel cloud covering a small area Winds can be over 300 mph Occur central United States (Tornado Alley) cP air mass meets mT air mass
Tornado Safety tips Tornado warning is forecasted for your area you should go to a basement or if you don’t have one go to an interior room of your home. Also try and get under a table to protect yourself from flying projectiles.
A waterspout off the Florida Keys photographed from an aircraft
Hurricanes ttp://
Hurricanes Large cyclone, forms in moist tropical air Develop in late summer and early fall when oceans are warm Fuel provided by condensation of evaporated water molecules Hundreds of miles wide Winds > 74 mph Category 5 is the most damaging, >155 mph Storm surge along coastline much damage
Hurricane Safety Tips Have an emergency supply kit gallon of water per person ready to eat foods flashlights with batteries First aid kit Evacuate when instructed to do so Stay indoors
Winter Storms
Winter Storms Blizzard high winds > 35 mph heavy snow, low visibility occurs near coastal regions
Winter storm tips Before a storm reaches your area make sure you have food, water, shovels, salt and a source of heat if the power goes out. Winter storms can be dangerous so don’t treat them lightly and stay off the roads.
Prepare for Severe Weather Video