User Friendly Price Book Maintenance A Family of Enhancements For iSeries 400 DMAS from Copyright I/O International, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010 Skip Intro Exit
2 Price Books 4 Initial screen displays a list of existing price books 4 Record selection options available on price book list screen 4 Search capability allows user to see all price book pages (in a single price book or all price books) that contain a specific item 4 Adds a price book header for each price book
3 Price Books 4 Various options available for changing, copying, removing and/or working with listed price books 4 Option available for creating a new price book by copying an existing price book or copying the contents of a single page within a price book 4 Function keys provided for typical screen navigation including the option for adding a totally new price book
4 Price Books 4 Two work with options are available for displaying a list of all records within item level pages 1, 2 and 3 of a price book, or all records within price class page 4 of a price book 4 Options on the price book page list screen available for changing, deleting, removing, activating, suspending and/or working with listed records within a page 4 Function keys on the price book page list screen provide typical screen navigation including the option of performing global changes to all records for a specific item
5 Price Books 4 Function key provided as tool for globally changing all prices (up or down, via dollar amount or percentage) for all items on pages 1 or 3 with user specified level of rounding 4 Function key provided on the item and price class detail screens to set template defaults 4 Function key provided on the price book page list screen to view resulting prices for the Quantity Break Percent page 2 and the Price Class page 4 records
6 Price Book Summary Using I/O Price Book User Friendly Maintenance Back to Title Page Accessing Price Book UF Maint Adding a New Price Book Copying a Price Book Deleting a Price Book Global Price Changes Finding Price Books Maintaining Existing Price Book Suspending a Price Book Removing Price Book Pages Exit
7 Accessing UF Maintenance 4 Access to Price Book UF maintenance is via the standard DMAS maintenance menu options
8 Accessing UF Maintenance Price book UF maintenance is accessible via the same menu options is in original DMAS The user takes the same menu options as prior to this enhancement to initiate price book maintenance If required, I/O can add a menu option so that both price book maintenance functions can be utilized
9 Accessing UF Maintenance 4 Initial Work with Price Books screen displays a list of existing price books 4 User options available for working with existing price books –Change price book header / page status –Copy a price book –Remove a price book –Work with price classes –Work with price book items –Make global price book price changes
10 Accessing UF Maintenance 4 Entry capable line for sub-setting the list to include only desired price books 4 Function keys provided for screen navigation plus additional functions –Refresh –Add a new price book
11 Return to Price Book Summary Accessing UF Maintenance A list of all existing price books is displayed The user may work with an existing price book by using the supplied options The list of displayed price books may be limited by using the selection fields The price book type indicates either discount or markup The price book header page contains a status flag for each page (* = no entries, A = Active, D = Deleted, S = Suspended
12 Finding Price Books 4 Entry capable line for sub-setting the list to include only desired price books –Position the list to start with a specific price book name –All price books that are assigned to the same price book set –Price book descriptions that contain a specific character string –All price books of a particular type –All price books which have a particular page status for each of one or more pages 4 Find all price books that contain a specific item
13 Finding Price Books Displaying price books whose name starts with a particular character at the top of the list The user may position the list of price books to start with a specific price book name All price books starting with the keyed character(s) and after are listed
14 Finding Price Books All price books that are assigned to a specific Set may be listed The user may key a price book Set name to view a list of all price books assigned to that set
15 Finding Price Books List all price books whose descriptions contain a specific string of characters Display all price books whose descriptions contain the characters book All price books that contain the characters book are displayed
16 Finding Price Books By using option I, the user can display all items within a price book All items within a specific price book are displayed If the user only wants to see items on a particular page, the page number may be entered as well
17 Return to Price Book Summary Finding Price Books Finding all pages in all price books that contain a specific item The user first uses option I on any price book on screen (L3260) When screen (I3261) is displayed, blank out the price book name and key the desired item number A line is then displayed for each page within each price book in which the desired item resides
18 Adding a New Price Book 4 The price book header record is defined first 4 The user then indicates item entry or price class entry 4 If item entry, the user identifies the desired price book page
19 Adding a New Price Book To add a new price book, the user uses function key F6=Add new book When pressing F6 to add a new price book, the price book header screen will be displayed
20 Adding a New Price Book The user enters header data for the price book being created The user keys the name of the price book being created and a description for the price book The user then defines the price book set to which this price book is to be assigned and the price book type (discount or markup) The status for each price book page will default to active When the price book header is completed, the user returns to the list of price books
21 Adding a New Price Book The new price book is added to the list of price books The new price book is listed, but it does not contain any item or item class records The user enters an option of I adjacent to the new price book name to begin adding records for pages 1, 2 and 3 The user enters an option of C adjacent to the new price book name to begin adding records for page 4
22 Adding a New Price Book By using option I, the user can display all item records for pages 1, 2 and 3 within a price book (none exist when entering a new price book) To enter item records, the user presses F6 to display the Add window The user enters the page number to which item records are to be added If the price book name in the window is blank, the user must enter the name of the desired price book
23 Adding a New Price Book The appropriate item page is then displayed These pages are similar to the corresponding pages in DMAS price book maintenance The user enters the item number and appropriate pricing data
24 Adding a New Price Book By using option C, the user can display all price class page 4 records within a price book (non exist when entering a new price book) To enter price class records, the user presses F6 to display the Add window The user makes sure the page number is 4 to add price class records If the price book name in the window is blank, the user must enter the name of the desired price book
25 Return to Price Book Summary Adding a New Price Book The price class page is displayed This pages is similar to the corresponding page in DMAS price book maintenance The user enters the price class and appropriate pricing data
26 Maintaining Existing Price Book 4 The user may choose to maintain –The price book header –Items on pages 1, 2 or 3 –Price classes on page 4 4 The user uses the appropriate option to indicate which of the above is to be maintained
27 Maintaining Existing Price Book By using the proper option, the user indicates which part of the price book is to be maintained The price book header is maintained using option 2 Price class page 4 records are maintained by using option C 2=Change book desc/pae status 2=Change book desc/pae status C=Work with price classes C=Work with price classes I=Work with items I=Work with items Return to Price Book Summary Item related pages 1, 2 and 3 are maintained with option I
28 Maintaining Existing Price Book Maintaining a price book header Option 2 displays the price book header The user can change the price book description, the price book set, or the price book type The status of an entire price book page can be controlled by maintaining the page status here Return to Work with Price Books
29 Maintaining Existing Price Book Maintaining Page 4 Price Classes Option C will cause all existing records in Price Class Page 4 to display on a list screen An existing price class may be maintained by using option 2=Change New price class records may be added by using option 1=Add price class or function key F6=Add price class Individual price class records may be activated, suspended, deleted, or removed by using appropriate options
30 Maintaining Existing Price Book Maintaining a Page 4 Price Class record Maintaining a price class record is similar to standard DMAS price book maintenance To confirm a master record change, the user presses the Enter key a second time Return to Work with Price Books
31 Maintaining Existing Price Book Maintaining Page 1, 2 and 3 item related pages Items from pages 1, 2 and 3 are listed on the same page The list is normally sub-setted to the price book selected The user may sub-set the list to a single price book page An existing item record may be maintained by using option 2=Change New item records may be added by using option 1=Add item or function key F6=Add new item Individual item records may be activated, suspended, deleted, or removed by using appropriate options
32 Maintaining Existing Price Book Maintaining Page 1 item related pages Maintaining an item quantity break price record is similar to standard DMAS price book maintenance To confirm a master record change, the user presses the Enter key a second time
33 Maintaining Existing Price Book Maintaining Page 2 item related pages Maintaining an item quantity break percentage record is similar to standard DMAS price book maintenance To confirm a master record change, the user presses the Enter key a second time
34 Return to Work with Price Books Maintaining Existing Price Book Maintaining Page 3 item related pages Maintaining a multiple item price record is similar to standard DMAS price book maintenance To confirm a master record change, the user presses the Enter key a second time
35 Copying a Price Book 4 A price book may be created by copying one or all pages from an existing price book 4 A price book page may be added to an existing price book by copying it from another price book –Prior to the copy, the target page in the target price book must not contain any records –If records do exist in the target page, the remove function may be used to immediately remove all records from the target page
36 Copying a Price Book The user can create a new price book by copying one or more pages from an existing price book To copy a price book, the user uses option 3 on the price book to be copied In the copy price book window, the user may copy all pages of the price book or a single page The user keys the name of the price book to receive the copied price book pages (or single page) If the receiving price book does not exist, it will be automatically created
37 Return to Price Book Summary Copying a Price Book When the price book copy function creates a new price book, the new header page is automatically displayed to the user prior to the copy The user should change the price book descriptions The user may also change the price book set and the price book type, if necessary
38 Suspending a Price Book 4 The price book header record offers the ability to suspend an entire page with a single code regardless of how many records are in the page 4 This eliminates the need to suspend each record individually 4 The entire page may be reactivated with the same ease
39 Suspending a Price Book The user can suspend an entire price book page from the price book header To suspend an entire price book page, the user first displays the price book header in change mode
40 Return to Price Book Summary Suspending a Price Book A single status code will effectively suspend all records within a price book page The user can suspend an entire price book page by using the suspend code for the specific page on the price book header There is no need to suspend every record within the page
41 Deleting a Price Book 4 The price book header record offers the ability to delete an entire page with a single code regardless of how many records are in the page 4 This eliminates the need to delete each record individually 4 The entire page may be reactivated with the same ease
42 Deleting a Price Book The user can delete an entire price book page from the price book header To delete an entire price book page, the user first displays the price book header in change mode
43 Return to Price Book Summary Deleting a Price Book A single status code will effectively delete all records within a price book page The user can delete an entire price book page by using the delete code for the specific page on the price book header There is no need to delete every record within the page NOTE: If this function is used to delete one or more price book pages, the next time the DMAS file reorganization is run, all records within the deleted pages will be purged
44 Removing Price Book Pages 4 The contents of an entire price book or specific pages within a price book may be physically and immediately removed by using the remove option 4 The remove option may be handy if you do not want to wait for file reorganization to remove a deleted price book or price book page 4 Once removed, a price book or price book page can not be brought back
45 Removing Price Book Pages The user can remove one or more pages within a price book with a single code To physically remove one or more price book pages and all of its contents immediately, use the R=Remove option NOTE: This function does an IMMEDIATE REMOVE of all records within the designated price book pages. There is no way to recover them if they are removed erroneously.
46 Return to Price Book Summary Removing Price Book Pages A confirmation screen is displayed when the user has used the remove function The user then confirms the remove action by pressing the Enter key NOTE: This function does an IMMEDIATE REMOVE of all records within the designated price book pages. There is no way to recover them if they are removed erroneously. The user is asked to mark all pages to be removed with a delete code of D
47 Global Price Changes 4 The global price change function is a tool for globally changes prices on price book pages 1 and 3 4 Global changes may be made by –A specific dollar amount –A specific percentage 4 The results may be rounded to –One tenth of a cent –Penny –Nickel –Dime –Quarter –Half dollar –Dollar 4 Rounding may be –Half adjusted –Rounded up –Rounded down
48 Return to Price Book Summary Global Price Changes The global price change function can save a lot of file maintenance time Global price changes may be made to page 1 or 3 If the item number is left blank, the global changes will be made to all items within the specified page File changes are not made until function key F2=Apply price changes is pressed The user may test the results of his specified global changes prior to make file updates
49 End of Presentation For more information about the User Friendly File Maintenance Price Book Enhancement for iSeries 400 DMAS, call I/O International, Inc. at (914) Thank you for your interest Suite 2002 Pinewood Business Center Somers, New York Return to User Friendly Summary Exit