The Elevator Pitch Based on material developed by: Elevator Speech
Elevator Pitch What is the objective? Must be exciting and compelling Elevator Pitch What is the objective? Must be exciting and compelling This is a conversation, not a speech Elevator Speech
The Elevator Pitch Goal: Buy-in What motivates them? Investors Employees Customers and partners What motivates them? Critical Attribute - What do you want remembered? Result - Listener wants to hear more Elevator Speech
The Elevator Pitch What market are you in? What urgent problem are you solving? What is the size of the opportunity? Value proposition Why will you win? Where is the validation (customers, investors, etc.)? The order is flexible Elevator Speech
Elevator Pitch Communication Imperatives Show passion, energy, and enthusiasm Use appropriate eye contact when face-to face Slow down and speak clearly Be brief (target 30 seconds) Be confident Use understandable vocabulary Elevator Speech
Elevator Pitch – Example P1 Diamond develops proprietary thin film diamond products and equipment that dramatically improve heat dissipation on microprocessors, solving one of the highest priority pain points in the industry. We address growing markets that will exceed $1.5B by 2006 and will become the dominant supplier with the best team having the most comprehensive patent position in the industry. Intel is our largest current investor, and we are actively engaged with other top target customers and partners who provide very strong references. 9:00 OPTIONAL EXAMPLE (if you have better example pitches, use them, but make sure they are consistent with the best practices highlighted) Review this pitch against the criteria: What market are you in? “P1 Diamond develops proprietary thin film diamond products and equipment . . .” What urgent problem are you solving? “ . . .dramatically improve heat dissipation on microprocessors, solving one of the highest priority pain points in the industry . . .” What is the size of the opportunity? “We address growing markets that will exceed $1.5B by 2006 . . .” Why will you win? “ . . .the best team having the most comprehensive patent position in the industry . . .” Key validators: investors, customers, and references “Intel is our largest current investor, and we are actively engaged with other top target customers and partners who provide very strong references” If available, be sure to include strong customer validation. Elevator Speech
How Do You Get Immediate Attention? Reduce to one sentence or question what is unusual, interesting, exciting or dramatic. Elevator Speech
Elevator Pitch Exercise Your name and the name of your firm Your pitch Evaluation by class on a scale of 1 to 10 Urgent pain Large growing market Unique, defensible position Validation Communication skills Desire to hear more Elevator Speech
Be Prepared to Answer Questions About Product and technology Marketing strategy Market research Revenue and profitability Funds required Valuation Elevator Speech