The Daisy Ridleys Michael Fanton – ME Joey Campion – ME Ankur Goyal – GSB Tim Yeskoo - CEE ME 210 Design Concepts
Concept 1: Three-Tiered Bot Acrylic/Duron “Shelves” Force Token Mechanism Driver Arduino Phototransistors for IR Sensing Battery DC Motor Driven Wheels
Concept 3: Simple Force Delivery Method Concept 2: Sensing Concept 3: Simple Force Delivery Method Arduino interrupt and internal clock to measure period of IR signal Low pass, high pass, or band pass filtering Servo-linkage mechanism lifts a ramp to dispense Force Tokens into desired bin Force Token 2 1 Servo w/ Arm
Concept 4: Rotating Ramp Concept 5: Multiple-arm delivery method Add in a friction drive (or gears) powered by a DC motor to allow top platform to rotate relative to the rest of the robot Additional degree of freedom Seesaws Tape Motor Top View of Ramp Top View of Board & Bot Side View of Bot Force Tokens Servo
Responsibilities Mindtribe approach – Each team member will work together on the highest priority objective rather than completely divvying up the work Michael/Joey – Experience with mechatronic-like projects; willing to work on circuitry for hours on end Ankur – Will use his MBA/factory-building/underwater welding skills to project manage and be a boss Tim – Our software/Arduino expert (PhDs know how to debug) All – mechanical design, fabrication, testing, chugging Red Bull and devouring Skittles
Schedule Remaining questions 2/17: Tim Returns! 2/20: Ankur Returns! 2/19 Second Review: Finish designing/assembling minimum viable robot 2/24 Third Review: All sensing circuitry and basic control working; Begin testing out Force Delivery mechanisms 3/1 Fourth Review: Done with entire robot – optimize code/minor mechanical improvements Are we allowed to choose where we place our Force Tokens on the robot? Are we given any phototransistors? Are there any motors that we can borrow for the project? If so, what kind of motors?