The Cay Vocabulary Part I & II Miss Nandlal Mrs. Flahive
Refinery (Noun) An industrial plant where a substance is changed. Oil Gas
Galleons (Noun) A warship used during the 12th-15th century.
Aviation (Noun) The flying or operation of aircraft.
Cay (Noun) a low bank or reef of coral, rock, or sand.
Disheartened cause (someone) to lose determination or confidence.
Alabaster A form of gypsum. A rock that is white in color.
Recollection (recollect) a thing recollected; a memory
Scorch burn the surface of (something) with flame or heat.
douse pour a liquid over; drench. extinguish (a fire or light).
Scornful (adjective) a feeling of hatred for someone or something thought of as worthless or evil. NOT showing respect (disrespectful)
Langosta A lobster without claws.
Smolder To burn and smoke without flame
Anguish Very great pain, great suffering
Thrash (Thrashing) Beat, move violently, toss
Abrupt (Abruptly) Sudden, hasty, unexpected
Salvage (Salvaged) Rescue of a ship or cargo from a wreck, fire
Treacherous Marked by hidden dangers, dangerous
Legacy Something left or received from an ancestor or someone from the past.
Precise (of a person) exact, accurate, and careful about details.
Tether Rope or chain to which an animal is fastened
Crevice Narrow crack or split
Recede To withdraw, move away from