Definisi Operasional Variabel Penelitian
Definition Before we can measure a variable, we need to know exactly what it is. For example, if we wish to examine the relationship between grade point average and library use, we must be able to define "grade point average" and "library use."
Conceptual Definitions Conceptual definitions define a concept by means of other concepts, making them difficult to measure. For example, a conceptual definition of a “serial publication is that it is issued in successive parts at regular intervals and intended to be continued indefinitely “.
Operational Definitions An operational definition identifies one or more specific observable conditions or events and then tells the researcher how to measure that event.
Operational Definitions How can we define the variable “class level of students”? Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior < 30 credit hours 30-50 credit hours 60-89 credit hours > 90 credit hours Operational definitions are definitions stated in terms of specific criteria for testing or measurement. The specifications must be so clear that any competent person using them would classify the objects in the same way. If a study of college students required classifying students by class level, a definition of each category would be necessary. Students could be grouped by class level based on self-report, number of years in school, or number of credit hours completed. Credit hours is the most precise measure.