Modern Concepts Regarding Hell


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Presentation transcript:

Modern Concepts Regarding Hell

Hell Is Only For The Really Bad This is one of the biggest and worst misconceptions regarding hell. Liars, the unbelieving and the murderers will all be together in hell - Rev. 21:8

Hell Is Only For The Really Bad Thus the concept of only the really bad are going to hell, is not a scriptural principle but rather one that is of Satan.

God Is Too Loving To Punish Sin How would one know that this is true? Consider these scriptures - Rom. 11:22; Heb. 10:26-31; 12:28-29; Rev. 6:12-17; 14:9-11, 19-20

God Is Too Loving To Punish Sin By God having to punish those who do not do His will does not display a lack of love on God's part but a lack of love on man's part - Jn 14:15

I'm Experiencing Hell On Earth If one thinks this is hell now, then he is sadly mistaken as hell will be eternal while life is only like a vapor - Jas 4:14

Hell Is An Annihilation Jehovah Witness and Seventh Day Adventists hold to this position. The question that one needs to ask is, “According to the scripture how long is hell going to be?”

Hell Is An Annihilation Again scripture says concerning this matter - Matt 13:42, 50; Rom. 2:8-9

Ignore It; Live For The Present I won’t be any worse off than the rest I believe God will change his mind about hell What if God does not, what then?

God has done His part. Have you done yours? God's Plan of Salvation GOD'S PART The great love of God for man (Jn 3:16) He gave His Son, Jesus Christ, as the Saviour (Lk 19:10) Sent the Holy Spirit as a guide (Jn 16:13) Gave the Gospel as "the power" unto salvation (Rom 1:16) Provided atonement by the blood of Christ (Rom 5:9) MAN'S PART Hear the Gospel (Rom 10:17, Jn 8:32) Believe the Gospel (Heb 11:6, Jn 20:31) Repent of past sins (Lk 13:3, Acts 17:30) Confess faith in Jesus Christ (Rom 10:10, Matt 10:32) Be Baptized (Gal 3:27, Mk 16:16, Acts 2:38) Be faithful unto death (Rev 2:10) God has done His part. Have you done yours?