User Pays Agency Charging Statement SERVICE CHARGING BASIS Type IAD Per IAD account 2 D8TA CENTRE TELEPHONE ENQUIRY LINE Chargeable phone line DVD Per DVD EMAIL SERVICE Per MPRN / request Reports By report AQ Enquiry Per MPRN enquiry Must Reads Per valid read obtained 1 Shipper Agreed Reads Per Read User Admission Per admission application UP ACS 12th November
User Pays Agency Charging Statement Pricing methodology: Principle of reflective cost recovery charges against forecast demand Reflective cost recovery charges to include: Operational costs System operations costs Forecast demand: Assessment of take-up of services UP ACS 12th November
User Pays Agency Charging Statement (as per current licence proposals) Contents: Introduction and background Scope of user pays and core services Charging basis Charging methodology Service charges Invoice supporting information Frequency of review Reference to user pays terms and conditions and service schedules UP ACS 12th November