Enquiry skills- conclusion/ SUPPORT & Oppose questions
Today we will… Success Criteria Identify the skills questions which will be assessed in National 5 Modern Studies. Success Criteria Using a source I can come to judgements based on evidence. I can outline how to answer a conclusion skills question.
Step by Step Guide Read the bullet points and assign a colour. Read the sources, highlighting info as you go. For 1st bullet point: Write out the bullet point. Make a clear conclusion, in your own words. Use evidence to back up conclusion – NAME SOURCES and use EVALUATIVE LANGUAGE. Repeat steps 3-5 for the other 3 bullet points!
The popularity of smaller political parties in the UK. The UK electoral performance of the Liberal Democrats compared to 2010. In conclusion, the Liberal Democrats performed very poorly in 2015 compared to their 2010 result. In source 1 it states that the Liberal Democrats saw a significant drop in both their UK share of the vote and in the number of MPs returned to the House of Commons. This can be supported by source 3 that shows that the seats won by the Liberal Democrats fell by 49, which means they only managed to get 8 MPs elected compared to their 57 MPs in 2010. The popularity of smaller political parties in the UK. In conclusion, the popularity of smaller political parties in the UK has grown in recent years. In source 1 it states that the whilst the Green Party only gained 1 MP in 2015, the percentage of their vote share increased significantly compared to 2010.This is backed up by source 3 which shows that UKIP saw a significant increase in their share of votes from just 4% in 2010 to 12% in 2015. The dominant political party in Scotland after the General Election. Attempt the last conclusion by yourself!
Remember marks are awarded for: A correct conclusion written in your own words (1 mark) Using two pieces of evidence, linked together (1 mark/ up to 2 marks awarded) Use of evaluative language when discussing evidence from sources (1 mark) Evaluative terms: Increase/Decrease Risen/fallen Dropped/spiked Majority/minority Positive/negative Steadily/slowly/quickly Balanced/equal Unbalanced/unequal Continuous/continual Poor/strong/weak Significant/insignificant Largest/biggest/smallest
Support and oppose questions
Read the question and assign colours to support and oppose. Step by Step Guide Read the question and assign colours to support and oppose. Read the sources, highlighting info as you go. Write two paragraphs SUPPORTING the statement- 4 pieces of evidence. Write two paragraphs OPPOSING the statement-4 pieces of evidence. Write one more paragraph either SUPPORTING/ OPPOSING the statement- 2 pieces of evidence. Ensure you have used EVALUATIVE language in all 5 paragraphs. If in doubt, write another paragraph for ANY side.
Marking: 2 support paragraphs- 4 pieces of evidence- try and synthesise and link evidence together!! (4 marks) 2 oppose paragraphs= 4 pieces of evidence- try and synthesise and link evidence together!!! 1 oppose/supporting paragraph- 2 pieces of evidence- must be linked and synthesised. (2 marks) If you cannot link evidence together for the last paragraph then please try and at least state 2 which oppose or 2 that support. You will just not state “this is supported by…” Only do this as a last resort!!!
How to write your answer Clear link to 2nd piece of evidence Tell marker wither supporting or opposing statement Morag’s statement can be opposed however as, Source 1 highlights that many Lords bring great experience and expertise to Parliament in the field of medicine, law, business and science and this is supported by Source 3 which states that the House of Lords can be useful when opposing bills in the House of Parliament. Source 3 also highlights that House of Lords can play a valuable role in scrutinising and revising legislation. NAME SOUCRES Clear link to 2nd piece of evidence Use of evaluative language to back-up point 3 marks
Key Evaluative Terms: Increase/Decrease Risen/fallen Dropped/spiked Majority/minority Positive/negative Steadily/slowly/quickly Balanced/equal Unbalanced/unequal Continuous/continual Poor/strong/weak Significant/insignificant Largest/biggest/smallest
Homework due - 10th December 2018 Describe, in detail, two causes of socio-economic issues in the world power you have studied. In your answer you should state the world power you have studied. 6 marks Homework due - 10th December 2018 Submit on lined paper