Guided Reading Corrections Entries 80, 84, 86. & 87
“Methods of Reproduction” Questions, p. 113-115 “Methods of Reproduction”
1. What is usually the only method of reproduction for unicellular organisms? Answer: cell division 2. When new organisms are formed from a single parent, the process is known as __ __. Answer: asexual reproduction 3. What does the word “asexual” mean? Answer: “without sex”
4. Give 3 examples of asexual reproduction that occurs in plants. Answer: runners in strawberries, daughter bulbs in tulips, new plants from cuttings of parent plant 5. Name a type of asexual reproduction that is seen in yeast cells and the Hydra. Answer: budding 6. Sexual reproduction is accomplished through the union of a __ and an __. Answer: male sperm, female egg 7. Egg and sperm are created by a process known as ___. Answer: meiosis
8. What is the difference between sex cells and body cells concerning chromosome number? Answer: sex cells contain only half the chromosome number of regular body cells 9. Why is this important or necessary? Answer: if the number of chromosomes were not halved in the sex cells, organisms would double their chromosome number every generation.
“The Fine Art of Naming Organisms” Questions p. 133-134 “The Fine Art of Naming Organisms” Entry 84
Answers “to change” This name is appropriate because the amoeba’s shape is always changing Pseudopodia “oval” Cilia It is bright green It moves like an animal and does not have a cell wall
“true pupil of the eye” An eyespot (or stigma) which it uses to find the brightest spot Flagellum “to roll” Protista includes a diverse lot of mostly single-celled, aquatic organisms that have a well-defined nucleus.
“Welcome to the Monera Kingdom” Questions p. 141-142 “Welcome to the Monera Kingdom” Entry 86
answers To belong to Monera an organism has to be missing a nuclear membrane which encloses its genetic material. Bacteria belong to Monera Unicellular Viruses Bacteria are everywhere: soil, air, water, in plants, and in animals
To see bacteria you need a powerful microscope like an electron microscope Bacteria are grouped based on shape Shapes are rod, spiral and spherical Bacteria that make you sick are called “germs” Ex. Of harmful bacteria: Streptococcus. Helpful bacteria: some bacteria live in our intestine and help process food; some bacteria in plants help put nitrogen into the soil.