AMS Commission on the Weather and Climate Enterprise George Frederick Vaisala Inc. Chair, Commission Steering Committee (CSC) and Commissioner Commission.


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Presentation transcript:

AMS Commission on the Weather and Climate Enterprise George Frederick Vaisala Inc. Chair, Commission Steering Committee (CSC) and Commissioner Commission Steering Committee Meeting New Orleans LA 19 January 2008

Agenda Saturday, 19 January 2008 –12:30 PMWelcome and Introduction (Lunch) –1:00 PMCommission Overview, George Frederick –1:15 PMBoard on Enterprise Communication Overview, Veronica Johnson for Matt Parker –1:45 PMClimate Information Services, Chet Koblinsky –2:15 PMBoard on Enterprise Planning APT reports, Terry Tarbell & APT WG Chairs –2:45 PMBreak –3:15 PMBoard on Enterprise Economic Development Overview, Bill Mahoney –3:45 PMDiscussion (Priorities, Activities, Plans) –5:00 PMAdjourn

NRC Committee Formed in 2001 at the request of NOAA/NWS Decades of evolving policy regarding weather services have produced two results for the U.S. 1. Scope and diversity of services second to none 2. Overlapping roles and occasional friction between NWS and private service providers. Study conclusions The NRC Committee judged this friction to be an acceptable price to pay for excellent weather services, but also concluded that it could be ameliorated.

Report Contained 11 recommendations Recommendation 3 The NWS and relevant academic, state, and private organizations should seek a neutral host, such as the American Meteorological Society, to provide a periodic dedicated venue for the weather enterprise as a whole to discuss issues related to the public-private partnership.

Commission on the Weather and Climate Enterprise (CWCE) Board on Enterprise Planning (BEP) Board on Enterprise Communication (BEC) Board on Enterprise Economic Development (BEED) Commission Steering Committee (CSC) Commission Executive Committee (CEC) A New Commission For The American Meteorological Society Approved

Commission Boards Board on Enterprise Planning (BEP) strategic, long term focus; annual topic with ~2-year cycle time on studies Board on Enterprise Communication (BEC) internal focus; will provide venues to bring together the meteorological community to learn about, discuss, and provide input concerning issues of short-term nature and of immediate interest to the community Board on Enterprise Economic Development (BEED) external focus; will grow the economic base of the weather and climate enterprise by reaching out to the community of users, broadly defined

Expanded Organizational Structure of the Commission on the Weather and Climate Enterprise Enterprise Commission Steering Committee (sector leaders) Board on Enterprise Economic Development Energy Committee Future User area ITS/ST Committee Board on Enterprise Communication Climate Services Committee Ad Hoc Committee on Planning for the Summer Community Meeting Ad Hoc Committee on Uncertainty in Forecasts Board on Enterprise Planning Mesoscale Obs APT WG Hazards APT WGFuture APT WG Executive Committee

Commission Steering Committee Will consist of community leaders and the leaders of groups representing users of meteorological information plus members at large, meeting twice yearly Purpose of the CSC is to provide a forum for identification and discussion of issues of interest or concern to the meteorological community as a whole Will normally refer items requiring further action to one of the boards of the Commission

Members of the AMS Weather and Climate Enterprise Commission Steering Committee as of 1/14/2007 (Terms expire after annual meeting in year indicated) Voting members by position (4) –George Frederick, CSC Chair, WCEC Commissioner (2008) –Bill Mahoney, BEED Chair(2008) –Terry Tarbell, BEP Chair(2008) –Matt Parker, CCM, BEC Chair(2009) Senior members (voting) from the provider community (7) –Dr. Joel Myers, President and Founder of Accuweather(2009) –BGen DL Johnson, Director, NWS(2009) –Tom Karl, NOAA/NCDC (2010) –Ray Ban, Sr. VP The Weather Channel (2008) –Steve Root, CCM, President WeatherBank & President CWSA (2008) –Sean Potter, CCM, Weather Detectives & President NCIM(2010) –Sam Williamson, OFCM, (2010) Senior members (voting) from the user community (5) –Kevin Stewart, Chair of the National Hydrologic Warning Council(2009) –Dr. Denise Stephenson Hawk, NCAR (2009) –Marilyn Brown, GA Tech (2010) –John Stults, Western Governors Assn & State of Montana(2008) –Johnnie Burton, Director MMS, (2010) At-large members (voting) to ensure diversity (4) –James Baker, Ret NOAA Administrator(2008) –Dr. John Snow, CCM, Dean, College of Atm & Geogr Sciences, University of Oklahoma(2008) –Kevin Lavin, Executive Director NWA(2009) –Dr. Susan Avery, CCM, University of Colorado(2009) Non-voting members by position –Rick Anthes (2008) –Keith Seitter, CCM, Executive Director AMS (N/A) –John Toohey-Morales, CCM, Professional Affairs Commissioner (2007) –Roger Wakimoto, STAC Commissioner (2009) –Julie Ann Winkler, Education and Human Resources Commissioner (2009)

New Members to Fill Open or Vacating Positions on the CSC Extend Terms for three additional years of Ray Ban, John Snow, and Steve Root. Jack Hayes, NWS Director, to fill position vacated by DL Johnson Todd Glickman to fill expiring position of Jim Baker Shelley Row to fill position vacated by Johnnie Burton Pam Emch, incoming chair of BEED to fill position vacated by Bill Mahoney Tim Spangler incoming chair of BEP to fill position vacated by Terry Tarbell Joe Friday, new Commissioner Walt Dabberdt, new President (ex-officio) John Toohey-Morales term extended (ex-officio)

Members of the AMS Weather and Climate Enterprise Commission Steering Committee as of 1/20/2008 (Terms expire after business meeting in year indicated) Voting members by position (6) –Joe Friday, WCEC Commissioner & CSC Chair (2012) –George Frederick, WCEC Past Commissioner (2010) –TBD, WCEC Future Commissioner (2014) –Pam Emch, BEED Chair (2011) –Tim Spangler, BEP Chair (2011) –Matt Parker, CCM, BEC Chair (2009) Senior members (voting) from the provider community (7) –Dr. Joel Myers, President and Founder of Accuweather (2009) –Dr. Jack Hayes, Director NWS (2011) –Tom Karl, NOAA/NCDC (2010) –Ray Ban, Sr. VP The Weather Channel (2011) –Steve Root, CCM, President WeatherBank & President CWSA (2011) –Sean Potter, CCM, Weather Detectives & Past President NCIM (2010) –Sam Williamson, OFCM (2010) Senior members (voting) from the user community (5) –Kevin Stewart, Chair of the National Hydrologic Warning Council (2009) –Dr. Denise Stephenson Hawk, NCAR (2009) –Marilyn Brown, GA Tech (2010) –Shelley Row, (2011) –TBD, (2011) At-large members (voting) to ensure diversity (4) –Todd Glickman, MIT (2011) –Dr. John Snow, CCM, Dean, College of Atm & Geogr Sciences, University of Oklahoma (2011) –Kevin Lavin, Executive Director NWA (2009) –Dr. Susan Avery, CCM, President, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute (2009) Non-voting members by position –Walt Dabberdt (2009) –Keith Seitter, CCM, Executive Director AMS (N/A) –John Toohey-Morales, CCM, Professional Affairs Commissioner (2010) –Roger Wakimoto, STAC Commissioner (2009) –Julie Ann Winkler, Education and Human Resources Commissioner (2009)

Board Reports Board on Enterprise Communication (BEC) Board on Enterprise Economic Development (BEED) Board on Enterprise Planning (BEP)

Discussion Feel free to contact me at any time at: George Frederick

Strategic Goals Implementation Plan Greatly increased outreach using the mediaGreatly increased outreach using the media Developing a Weather (and related services) Online Market PlaceDeveloping a Weather (and related services) Online Market Place Expand Top Level Contacts Between the AMS and Trade and Professional OrganizationsExpand Top Level Contacts Between the AMS and Trade and Professional Organizations Continue and Expand Outreach EffortsContinue and Expand Outreach Efforts Create Enterprise PresentationCreate Enterprise Presentation Continue and build communications among the sectors of the EnterpriseContinue and build communications among the sectors of the Enterprise Seek consensus on National PrioritiesSeek consensus on National Priorities Continue to promote long term study of issues of importance to the EnterpriseContinue to promote long term study of issues of importance to the Enterprise