(Please pay attention.) 2017 Junior Cotillion (Please pay attention.)
Parking is a Senior privilege. Before we begin… Parking is a Senior privilege. noun a special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group of people.
Cotillion Information The 2017 Junior Cotillion will be Thursday, May 18th from 6pm – 10pm at The Renaissance Tickets are $40 per person
Cotillion Information Tickets will be on sale during all lunches from March 27th – 31st All fines must be resolved before you can purchase a ticket
Cotillion Information Everything you need is available from the school website, under the “For Students” tab.
“For Students” tab
Cotillion Packet http://www.woodbridge.k12.nj.us/site/Defau lt.aspx?PageID=35120