Life at the Turn of the 20th Century #37 Ch.8.1-8.2 Notes and Q’s OBJECTIVE: Understand how new technology and education impacted America.
Chapter 8.1 Science and Urban Life Key Ideas: Advances in science and technology address urban (city) problems. Example: Growth of suburbs (residential areas on the outskirts of a city or large town). Suburbs grew because of better transportation which allowed workers to commute to work. Less people lived in major cities.
Chapter 8.2 Expanding Public Education Key Ideas: Reforms in public education led to a rise in national literacy and the promotion of public education.
Higher Education for African Americans Not enough African American college graduates to meet needs of communities. Booker T. Washington: former slave who became a prominent African-American educator. He believes that: Racism would end once African Americans acquired useful labor skills and prove their economic value to society.
1881: Washington heads the Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute in Tuskegee, Alabama. The institute aimed to equip African Americans with useful skills in agricultural, domestic, or mechanical work. Washington’s beliefs leads to a growing opposition led by W.E.B. Du Bois.
Du Bois founded the Niagara Movement in 1905. Goal: Encourage liberal arts education so that the African American community would have well educated leaders. Influenced the formation of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).
Questions 1) What are some similar goals that Washington and Du Bois had for African Americans? 2) Do you agree or disagree with Booker T. Washington’s beliefs? Support your opinion.