Online versus Classroom Learning Challenge Online versus Classroom I hear, and I forget. I see, and I remember. I do, and I understand. -- Chinese Proverb
Challenge Scenario Let’s meet the two parties: John is an instructor who wants to deliver his course “HTML for Adults” online. Butch is a skeptical quality administrator who believes this class must be taught in a classroom. First, a little background information on Butch and John.
Butch: Quality Inspector I’ve been teaching since 1960 Leave things alone Students are lazy today I’m the expert - I’ll TELL the students what they need to know Knowledge transmission is how I taught for over 40 years and it WORKS Quiet down students and stop asking me all these questions Models a teacher centered learning environment in his classroom
John: Online Instructor Feels student enthusiasm is wonderful Prefers flexibility over rigidity Welcomes and adapts to change Believes that questioning is a core function of both learning and teaching Promotes higher level cognitive dimensions in his student activities Encourages active student dialogue and participation Solicits and rewards diversity of student opinions Models a student-centered, inquiry-oriented environment is my online classroom
Butch: “John, there is no way online beats classroom teaching Butch: “John, there is no way online beats classroom teaching! How could online teaching possibly offer better benefits than using a classroom like I have done for over 40 years.” John: “ Butch, I am glad to tell you. Here are some major benefits that online learning delivers that a classroom cannot deliver.”
Benefits of Online Learning Promotes an active learning process Encourages student ownership of learning Offers flexibility for learner’s schedule Provides unlimited learning resources Practice and application of learned skills Uses different modes for learning Rewards student collaboration and reflection
Butch: “John, not bad. But I still can’t believe this class shouldn’t be taught in a classroom. You’ll need to tell me more to before I am convinced.” John: “Butch, here are some challenges that exist using classroom teaching for you to consider.”
Classroom Challenges Lecturing students (Knowledge transmission) is most common Limited learning resources Student personality challenges Extroverts dominate / Introverts resist Little time for application of knowledge Both the learner and students must be physically together to learn
Butch: “John, OK but tell me about THESE students of yours. Grrr.” John: “Sure Butch. I think you’ll like them.”
Student Profiles Background Previous HTML experience Androgogical learners (Mostly over 50) Non-technical professionals Possess limited computer skills Previous HTML experience Absolute beginners with little or none
Butch: “Hmm. This is getting interesting. Older learners Butch: “Hmm. This is getting interesting. Older learners. What are the course goals and objectives for these older folks?” John: “Glad you are starting to see it my way. Let me tell you something about the goals for these particular learners.”
Course Goals Terminal Objective Enabling Objectives Students after completing this course will acquire the basic skills and knowledge to successfully author HTML documents Enabling Objectives Creating and modifying HTML documents Building page layout techniques Enhancing documents with visual elements Soliciting visitor interaction and feedback Attracting target audiences
Butch: “Well, let’s talk about the time requirements to attend this online course versus one in the classroom. I bet it takes way longer your way John.” John: “Fine Butch. You soon will discover some additional advantages for the online learners compared to classroom instruction.”
Time Challenges Online 2 – 4 hours per week plus additional preparation 10 weeks to complete Conveniently attend anytime from anywhere Classroom 9 – 12 hours per week plus additional time for preparation and travel Three classes per week 16 weeks to complete Must attend at physical locations and at scheduled times
Butch: “Yeah. Yeah. But tell me about the learning content Butch: “Yeah. Yeah. But tell me about the learning content. I bet there is no way it is better than what I have used in the classroom for over 40 years. These textbooks are great. I used one from 1999 this year to teach Microsoft Word 95.” John: “Sure Butch. Heh - Maybe you want to attend my online course?”
Learning Content Online Readings Individual written assignments Group written assignments Peer & instructor collaboration Multimedia content Video, audio, animations Classroom Lectures Class discussions Written assignments Paper only content
Butch: “Tell me about assigning work to these students Butch: “Tell me about assigning work to these students. I bet these assignments take little effort when compared to the ones I assign in my classroom. Students need to memorize facts, dates, and number details to learn. ” John: “Uh. Your displaying higher cognitive learning level there Butch is interesting. Here’s another reason I believe online learning is a better alternative than the classroom.”
Assignment Comparison Online Read course text, articles, and positive topic examples (Best Practices) Interact with other students to construct new knowledge (scaffolding); provide positive feedback through dialogue (socialization); and respect the diversity of other students Build web pages that model the real application of skill learning and knowledge acquisition Classroom Read course text Complete HTML homework assignments Take exams
Butch: “One last point and maybe I will concede defeat Butch: “One last point and maybe I will concede defeat. Tell me about the expected learning outcomes of your online course.” John: “Butch, I would really love to.”
Learning Outcomes Online Knowledge and application: Acquire the skills to build web pages using HTML Use visual elements to enhance page layout Display the expertise to attract targeted visitors Develop experience and acquire confidence to refine and learn other techniques Provide positive feedback and encouragement to others in the growing HTML authoring community
Butch: “I am stunned. This online learning does offer some unique benefits versus classroom instruction. Go ahead and give your course a try. You’ve finally convinced me about online learning. I am sure glad that there are no other experts out there like myself who figured this out yet. Did I ever tell you about how I invested in the Rambler Automobile Company back in the 1970’s?” John: “Uh, no Butch. But I agree that you now are quite the visionary.”