IoT LPAWAN Tomorrow’s best of breed solutions delivered today Data, Security, Guarantied delivery, Control, Notifications
IoT over mobile network Live implementations Micro/Private IoT network AGENDA What is IoT How it works Now and Then IoT over mobile network Live implementations Micro/Private IoT network DYI IoT node/things/device THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION PROPRIETARY TO I4THINGS, AND MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, DISCLOSED OR USED WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM I4THINGS
WHAT IS IoT The Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of physical objects—devices, vehicles, buildings and other items embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and connectivity—that enables these objects to collect and exchange data. The main characteristics are low frequency of data exchange, small amount of data and “peppercorn" price for devices and service. ТОЗИ ДОКУМЕНТ СЪДЪРЖА ИНФОРМАЦИЯ СОБСТВЕНОСТ НА I4THINGS И ТЯ НЕ МОЖЕ ДА БЪДЕ РЕПРОДУЦИРАНА БЕЗ ИЗРИЧНОТО СЪГЛАСИЕ НА I4THINGS
HOW IT WORKS End devices (Things) Gateways (Border Devices translating between IoT protocol and Internet) Authority (Storage, Data Streaming, Application Server, Notifications) Analytics (Can be located in host or private environment) Display (Visualization of collected data and notifications to end devices) THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION PROPRIETARY TO I4THINGS, AND MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, DISCLOSED OR USED WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM I4THINGS
NOW AND THEN How IoT has changed from the original idea till now In which direction the IoT technology goes The future of IoT - LPAWAN (low-power-acknowledge-wide-area-network) THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION PROPRIETARY TO I4THINGS, AND MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, DISCLOSED OR USED WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM I4THINGS
OVER MOBILE NETWORK Ways to simulate IoT by a mobile operator. (Expensive Hardware, Complex Software, Significant Monthly Fees) Viability -only for high volumes of traffic solutions e.g. remote cameras that do not need a platform, application server, repository. When combined with WiFi –also only for short distances, e.g. one apartment (for house a repeater will be required) ТОЗИ ДОКУМЕНТ СЪДЪРЖА ИНФОРМАЦИЯ СОБСТВЕНОСТ НА I4THINGS И ТЯ НЕ МОЖЕ ДА БЪДЕ РЕПРОДУЦИРАНА БЕЗ ИЗРИЧНОТО СЪГЛАСИЕ НА I4THINGS
LIVE IMPLEMENTATIONS Monitoring systems designed to provide real-time information on indicators such as temperature, air, moisture, water, voltage, lights, defects, traffic, etc. THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION PROPRIETARY TO I4THINGS, AND MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, DISCLOSED OR USED WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM I4THINGS
PRIVATE IоТ Private network within a house, enterprise, plant, city, farm. Private gateways with encrypted data and repository. Micro Gateways for locations without global coverage THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION PROPRIETARY TO I4THINGS, AND MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, DISCLOSED OR USED WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM I4THINGS
DYI IoT Hardware solutions for a negligible price A large set of ready-made sensors and examples Choice from a variety of platforms and models Universal environments, interfaces and libraries GitHub: Annual subscription for pennies THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION PROPRIETARY TO I4THINGS, AND MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, DISCLOSED OR USED WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM I4THINGS