What are constructed response questions? Some people call them essay questions. They require you to write about one page . You must use evidence from the story in your constructed response. You must explain the evidence from the story in your constructed response.
How can you recognize a constructed response question? Carefully read the question. Look for words like EXPLAIN DESCRIBE COMPARE CONTRAST DISCUSS
Never make a list for an answer to a constructed response question! Danger! Danger! Never make a list for an answer to a constructed response question!
So how do you write a good constructed response answer? Check out the following slides for some good ideas!
STEP 2 Now you’re ready to begin your answer. Your first sentence should restate the question, but not answer it. Example: Why do students get excited about vacation? How would you answer this question?
BAD EXAMPLE STUDENTS GET EXCITED ABOUT VACATION BECAUSE THEY LIKE FREE TIME AND SLEEPING LATE. You’ve answered so much in your first sentence, that you have nowhere to go. It’s hard to add more ideas, when you’ve said so much in your first sentence.
GOOD EXAMPLE STUDENTS GET EXCITED ABOUT VACATION FOR SEVERAL REASONS. Now you’ve gotten started, and you also know how to keep going by adding more details in the rest of your sentences.
STEP 3 Add evidence from the story; then explain the evidence. Add more evidence; then explain it. And add more evidence, then explain it, too! This part is really pretty easy!
Good idea… It’s a very good idea to use the following words to make your constructed response go together better: First Second For instance On one hand…on the other hand In the first place…in the second place… Then Now Next However Afterward Finally
STEP 4 Write an ending sentence. You can start your last sentence by using these words: In conclusion As a result Consequently Therefore
STEP 5 Read your answer. Fix any mistakes in spelling, capitalization, grammar, and punctuation. Make sure all the letters in all the words are written clearly.
STEP 6 Read your answer one more time. Does it answer the question? Does it make sense? Does it say what you mean?
HERE’S A SUMMARY OF ALL 6 STEPS: Read the question slowly and carefully. Your first sentence should restate the question, but not answer it. Add evidence from the story and explain it. (do this 3 times) Write an ending sentence. Read your answer and fix all mechanical errors. Read your answer for meaning.
Now it is time to practice writing a constructed response Mrs. Dunleavy has a question for you to answer about the short story “Thank You, Ma’m.”