Critical Thinking You’ll have four minutes to figure out Who Killed Handel. It wasn’t Beethoven. No Talking or Cheating.
Can you help? Handel has been killed and Beethoven is on the case. He has interviewed the four suspects and their statements are shown below. Each suspect has said two sentences. One sentence of each suspect is a lie and one sentence is the truth. Help Beethoven figure out who the killer is. Joplin: I did not kill Handel. Either Grieg is the killer or none of us is. Grieg: I did not kill Handel. Gershwin is the killer. Strauss: I did not kill Handel. Grieg is lying when he says Gershwin is the killer. Gershwin: I did not kill Handel. If Joplin did not kill him, then Grieg did.
The Answer Strauss is the one who killed Handel. You need to take turns assuming someone is the killer; that means everyone's second sentence is a lie. If Joplin was the killer, Grieg's lie mixed with Strauss' counteracts the other. If Grieg was the killer, Gershwin would need to be a killer too. If Gershwin was the killer, Grieg and Strauss counter each other again, but with Strauss, everything would fit.
Goals for the Day I can generate specific evidence to be used in an argumentative essay.
AP Exam – Discussion Did you feel crunched on time? How did you deal with it? What was your approach to the multiple choice portion? Did you understand MC better after correcting answers? Which essay did you feel most prepared for? Least? What strategies did you take into the essays? Did you have time left at the end? How could use that extra time? Was there anything you could have done to save yourself time? Was there anything on the test you felt unprepared for? What? Take out a piece of paper and complete the following statement: We have 10 days of class left, I would really like to work on _________.
Goals for the Day I can generate specific evidence to be used in an argumentative essay.
The Process The Goal: I can generate specific evidence to be used in an argumentative essay. Individually – read the prompt and consider what it’s asking. Then begin to generate evidence to support various positions. In a small group – discuss what the prompt is asking and make sure you all have a good feel for what’s expected. Don’t talk about evidence yet!! Do discuss positions that could be taken. Individually – Now that you have a better understanding, generate more specific evidence that could be used. Small group – discuss individual evidence, brainstorm additional evidence as needed. Then determine what your best evidence would be if you were writing this. Present – one of your group members will present your position and the best evidence you have to support it. Vote – we will vote for who has the best evidence and supports their position best. You cannot vote for yourself or your group.
AP Argumentative Prompt
Choose one of the prompts we looked at in class today and develop your ideas into an essay or at the very least an outline of an essay.