I. An Expanding Nation, 1843–1861 A. Overland by Trail 1. Mixed Emotions about Moving West 2. Women’s Responsibilities on Trail 3. Arrival B. The Underside of Expansion: Native Women and Californianas 1. Impact on Native Americans 2. Californios
I. An Expanding Nation, 1843–1861 C. The Gold Rush 1. New Wave of Immigration 2. Women in Gold Rush
II. Antebellum Reform A. Expanding Woman’s Sphere: Maternal, Moral, and Temperance Reform 1. Missionary and Evangelical Work 2. Moral Reform Organizations 3. Temperance Movement B. Exploring New Territory: Radical Reform in Family and Sexual Life 1. Women’s Health Reform 2. Communitarian Experiments
II. Antebellum Reform C. Crossing Political Boundaries: Abolitionism 1. Slavery as Sin 2. Free Blacks and Abolitionism 3. Female Abolitionists D. Entering New Territory: Women’s Rights 1. Challenge to “True Womanhood” 2. Seeking Married Women’s Rights 3. Seneca Falls Convention 4. Growth of Movement
III. Civil War, 1861–1865 A. Women and the Impending Crisis 1. Women and Conflict over Slavery 2. Election of Abraham Lincoln 3. Secession of South B. Women’s Involvement in the War 1. Women’s Service 2. Women on Home Front 3. Growing Discontent
III. Civil War, 1861–1865 C. Emancipation 1. Self-Emancipation 2. Emancipation Proclamation 3. Petitions to Lincoln by Women 4. African Americans in Union Army 5. War Ends