Tomás Fernández Löbbe Plugtree LLC October 7th
Installing Solr 2
What is SolrMeter? 3 An open source stress test tool specifically designed to test Solr installations.
Technically Speaking 4 A standalone Java Swing application that will emulate N users executing queries and updateing documents to your Solr server. Java 6 Swing Guice 2.0 SolrJ Maven 2 JUnit JFreeChart
Solr Search Servers "Apache Software Foundation Apache Software Foundation id:SOLR1000 Flexible and Adaptable with XML configuration and Schema Good unicode support Apache Foundation ….. How does it work 1.Create a Queries file.
manu:"Maxtor Corp" inStock:true inStock:false price:[0 TO 400] price:[0 TO 100] price:[300 TO *] cat:electronics weight:[0 TO 10] ….. How does it work 1.Create a Queries file. 2.Create a FilterQueries file.
weight price popularity inStock content_type manu_exact ….. How does it work 1.Create a Queries file. 2.Create a FilterQueries file. 3.Create a Fields file for faceting.
How does it work 1.Create a Queries file. 2.Create a FilterQueries file. 3.Create a Fields file for faceting. 4.Locate your files from the settings panel.
How does it work 1.Create a Queries file. 2.Create a FilterQueries file. 3.Create a Fields file for faceting. 4.Locate your files from the settings panel. 5.Locate Solr from the settings panel.
How does it work 1.Create a Queries file. 2.Create a FilterQueries file. 3.Create a Fields file for faceting. 4.Locate your files from the settings panel. 5.Locate Solr from the settings panel. 6.Start!
How does it work 1.Create a Queries file. 2.Create a FilterQueries file. 3.Create a Fields file for faceting. 4.Locate your files from the settings panel. 5.Locate Solr from the settings panel. 6.Start! 7.Analyze Statistics
The SolrMeter project Google Code Google Groups Apache License 2.0 Contributions
Whats coming Version More integration with Stats and Request Handlers. Cover as many cases of Solr Installations as possible. Solr configuration suggestions
Resources and Contact info Me: Google Code: Google Group: Plugtree:
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