Strategic Coordination Group 4-5 November 2009


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Presentation transcript:

Strategic Coordination Group 4-5 November 2009 EUROPEAN COMMISSION – DG ENVIRONMENT Directorate D - Water, Chemicals & Biotechnology ENV.D.1 – Protection of Water Environment Chemical Monitoring Activity (CMA) Progress Report Mario Carere (National Institute of Health-Italy), Madalina David (EC, DG Environment), Bernd Gawlik (EC, Joint Research Centre) Strategic Coordination Group 4-5 November 2009

Ghent meeting (5-6 May 2009) Sediment/Biota guidance Discussion EUROPEAN COMMISSION – DG ENVIRONMENT Directorate D - Water, Chemicals & Biotechnology ENV.D.1 – Protection of Water Environment Ghent meeting (5-6 May 2009) Sediment/Biota guidance Discussion Climate Change issue in relation to chemical monitoring Implementation of QA/QC Commission Directive Standardisation Issue Link with Marine Strategy NORMAN network

Finalisation of the report on Danube Field Trial EUROPEAN COMMISSION – DG ENVIRONMENT Directorate D - Water, Chemicals & Biotechnology ENV.D.1 – Protection of Water Environment CMA-1 Finalisation of the report on Danube Field Trial Sediment/Biota Monitoring Guidance: on going work

CMA-1 Sediment&Biota monitoring guidance EUROPEAN COMMISSION – DG ENVIRONMENT Directorate D - Water, Chemicals & Biotechnology ENV.D.1 – Protection of Water Environment CMA-1 Sediment&Biota monitoring guidance End of April 2009: first draft guidance on sediment and biota has been submitted to CMA 5-6 May 2009: Discussion at the CMA Plenary Meeting (Ghent) November 2009: Submission of the second draft of the guidance to CMA 27th November 2009: approval of Draft guidance by CMA-Plenary Meeting (Rome) February 2010: Final approval March 2010: Submission to the WG E

Sediment&Biota monitoring guidance EUROPEAN COMMISSION – DG ENVIRONMENT Directorate D - Water, Chemicals & Biotechnology ENV.D.1 – Protection of Water Environment Sediment&Biota monitoring guidance Scope of the guidance Selection of Substances Sediment (sampling strategy, analytical procedure) Biota (sampling strategy, analytical procedure) Trend analysis (sediment and biota) Alternative Techniques Case Studies

CMA-2 Quality assurance and control EUROPEAN COMMISSION – DG ENVIRONMENT Directorate D - Water, Chemicals & Biotechnology ENV.D.1 – Protection of Water Environment CMA-2 Quality assurance and control Publication of the Commission Directive 2009/90/EC of 31 July 2009 laying down, pursuant to Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, technical specifications for chemical analysis and monitoring of water status (QA/QC Directive) Discussion on-going on measurement uncertainty and issues related to the use LOD/LOQ evaluation for the chemical status classification Final Report of EAQC WISE Project (blue print paper on EAQC-WISE Project)

CMA-3 Support to standardisation EUROPEAN COMMISSION – DG ENVIRONMENT Directorate D - Water, Chemicals & Biotechnology ENV.D.1 – Protection of Water Environment CMA-3 Support to standardisation May 2009: Adjustment of the proposal and the budget table to the new templates for all work packages October 2009: Clarifications of contractual and legal aspects of the framework November 2009: Submission of the Quotation and final technical proposal to DG ENTR via CEN Early 2010: End of negotiation period with DG ENTR Contract between DIN (CEN TC 230 secretariat) and project partners  to be signed Spring 2010: Kick-off-meeting 1

Plenary CMA meeting: 27 November 2009 EUROPEAN COMMISSION – DG ENVIRONMENT Directorate D - Water, Chemicals & Biotechnology ENV.D.1 – Protection of Water Environment Next meeting Plenary CMA meeting: 27 November 2009 National Institute of Health (Rome, Italy)