Book Of Choice Final Report Format and Grading Rubric
Introduction This includes the book’s name, author’s name and background, of author. (10 pts.) 1 Paragraph Each paragraph needs to contain seven sentences. Topic sentence, five details, and a concluding sentence.
Character Descriptions Choose two main characters and provide a detailed paragraph describing their actions, looks, and any other important details that contribute to the plot. (10 pts.) 2 paragraphs Each paragraph needs to contain seven sentences. Topic sentence, five details, and a concluding sentence.
3 Paragraph summary Create a three paragraph summary of your book. Make it simple three paragraphs … Beginning Middle End Each paragraph needs to contain seven sentences. Topic sentence, five details, and a concluding sentence. (30 pts.)
Critical Review What were the good and bad points? Support your thoughts with EVIDENCE from the text. (10 pts.) 1 Paragraph Each paragraph needs to contain seven sentences. Topic sentence, five details, and a concluding sentence.
Recommendations Would you recommend this book to others? Why or why not? Support your thoughts with EVIDENCE from the text. (10 pts.) 1 Paragraphs Each paragraph needs to contain seven sentences. Topic sentence, five details, and a concluding sentence.
Content Test (Must Include) create Test (s) 30 points Content Test (Must Include) 5 Multiple Choice 5 True / False 5 Fill in the Blank 5 Matching 2 Essay Question 1 Test Key (15 points) Vocabulary Test 30 Words Choose one or more methods Crossword Matching Fill in the blank Multiple Choice (15 points)
Due Date This report is due on 1-30-2019. -10 pts. For each day late You may create a Word Document or a Power Point 100 Total Points Possible Email me the final report