Hawaii TAC Meeting WIDA Assessments


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Presentation transcript:

Hawaii TAC Meeting WIDA Assessments Karen Tohinaka Assessment Section- Test Development Specialist

What is WIDA? Consortium of 39 State, Territory, or Federal Educational entities All sharing Common ELD standards Common ELD tests Professional learning Services Technical assistance services Research services A unit in the School of Education at the University of Wisconsin at the Wisconsin Center for Education Research (WCER)

English Learner National Policy/Requirements Supporting English learners’ acquisition of English and access to rigorous academic content is a Constitutional Right Lau v Nichols (1974) – ELs have a right to learn English and be provided access to content in a way they can understand Castañeda v Pickard (1981) – EL programs must be a) based on sound theory, b) implemented effectively, and c) evaluated for effectiveness English Language Proficiency (ELP) Standards Derived from the four recognized language domains of listening, speaking, reading, and writing Align (correspond) to content standards

English Learner National Policy/Requirements ELP Assessments Provide an annual assessment of ELP for all ELs (K-12) in the state Align to ELP standards Provide multiple proficiency levels Support the following purposes Classify students as ELs Monitor student progress Establish English language proficiency Support program improvement (accountability)

Steps in an English Learner’s Assessment Life Home Language Survey Identification Classification Progress Proficiency WIDA Screener Identified as an English Learner ACCESS for ELLs Alt ACCESS for ELLs Potential English Learner English Learner making progress Reclassified English Learner Decisions

WIDA Standards Social Instructional Language Language of Language Arts Language of Mathematics Language of Science Language of Social Studies

4 Language Domains Listening Speaking Reading Writing Process, understand, interpret and evaluate spoke language in a variety of situations Speaking Engage in oral communication in a variety of situations for a variety of purposes and audiences Process, understand, interpret and evaluate written language, symbols and text with understanding and fluency Reading Writing Engage in written communication in a variety of situations for a variety of purposes and audiences

WIDA’s Performance Definitions (i.e., ELP achievement standards) 1 2 3 4 5 6 REACHING ENTERING BEGINNING DEVELOPING EXPANDING BRIDGING Linguistic Complexity: Extent of functional language (text or discourse) Vocabulary Usage: Comprehension and use of the technical vocabulary of the content areas Language Control: Comprehension and use of phonological, syntactic, and semantic structure & rules

ACCESS & Alternate (Alt) ACCESS Purpose: meet state and federal requirements for the annual assessment of English learners to … Identify the appropriate language instruction educational program (LIEP) placement Determine if students are making acceptable progress in English language proficiency Determine if students have attained sufficient English language proficiency to be reclassified Support the evaluation of language instruction education program improvement

Tier A/BC Speaking & Writing Tests ACCESS Assessment Online - Adaptive Design Paper Design Listening Test Listening Tier A/BC Speaking * Tier A/BC Tier A/BC Speaking & Writing Tests Reading Test Reading Tier A/BC Writing Tier A/BC * Locally scored

ACCESS & Alt ACCESS Technical Details Reading and listening tests use dichotomous Rasch IRT model and the writing and speaking tests use a polytomous Rasch rating scale measurement model. ACCESS is vertically and horizontally equated (approx. 1/3 of folders refreshed each year). Alt ACCESS is vertically equated and is a static form. The Center for Applied Linguistics (CAL) is responsible for ACCESS 2.0 test development, construction and psychometrics. The Data Recognition Corporation is responsible for production, distribution, scoring and reporting of assessments. WIDA provides oversight and direction to CAL and DRC in the development, implementation of assessments.

Critical Elements for State Assessment Peer Review

Peer Review Submissions from WIDA Consortium Evidence WIDA will be preparing submission evidence for the majority of: Critical Elements likely addressed by coordinated evidence for all States administering the same assessments: 2.1Test Design and Development 2.2 Item Development 3.1 Overall Validity, Including Validity Based on Content 3.4 Validity Based on Relations to Other Variables 4.1 Reliability 4.7 Technical Analysis & Ongoing Maintenance 6.1 State Adoption of Achievement Standards 6.3 Challenging & Aligned Achievement Standards

Peer Review Submissions from WIDA/State (Cont.) WIDA is also providing the consortium evidence which are hybrid (state & consortium) elements and required for: Critical Elements likely addressed with State-specific evidence 1.2 Challenging Academic Content/ELP Standards Critical Elements likely addressed by both State-specific evidence and coordinated evidence 2.3 Test Administration 2.5 Test Security 2.6 Systems For Protecting Data Integrity & Privacy 5.3 Accommodations 5.4 Monitoring Test Administration for Special Populations 6.4 Reporting

Peer Review Submissions - HIDOE HIDOE will prepare submission evidence for: Critical Elements likely addressed with State-specific evidence 1.1 State adoption of academic content standards/ELP standards Memo: Annual Assessment for English Language Learners (ELLs): Adoption of the World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment (WIDA) to Replace the Language Assessment Scales Links (LAS Links) 1.2 Challenging Academic Content/ ELP Standards Alignment study between the Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts and Mathematics and the WIDA English Language Proficiency Standards, 2007 Edition, Pre Kindergarten through Grade 12 1.3 Required assessments Memo Annual Assessment for ELL’s: SY 2017-18 Online Assessment-All Schools 1.4 Policies for including all students in assessments Memo: Hawaii State Assessment Program, School year 2017-18 1.5 Meaningful consultation New requirement in ESSA, so does not apply to standards and assessments adopted prior to the passage of ESSA (December 2015)

2.3 Test Administration Memo: Access for English Language Learners (ELL) 2.0 Online Assessment Training Documentation of Contents of Training Sign in list of TA training participants 2.4 Monitoring Test Administration Memo: English Learner Program School Self-Study and Status Report (Form EL-102) and Comprehensive English Learner Plan Under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI) and the Equal Educational Opportunities Act of 1974 (EEOA), public schools must ensure that English Learner (EL) students participate meaningfully and equally in educational programs. Therefore, schools are required to evaluate and monitor the effectiveness of programs and activities provided to help EL students attain English proficiency and student academic achievement standards. Memo: English Learner/Title III Monitoring and Technical Assistance for School Year 20-17-18 Memo: Assessment Monitoring Site visits Documentation and Reports of site monitoring visits TAM 2.5 Test Security Memo: Assessment Monitoring Site Visits Refer to collections of submissions of Test Security Incident forms Observations of Test Security during monitoring visits 2.6 Systems For Protecting Data Integrity & Privacy Observe storage of Assessment materials Security controls of student assessment data built into DRC systems MOA
