To learn more about specific colleges in Texas. Learning Objective To learn more about specific colleges in Texas. Agenda: 1. Announcements 2. College Web Quest
Announcements Weds. Nov. 7th 6-7pm London, Paris, Barcelona Trip Meeting Tues. Nov. 13th 6-8pm Senior College Application Night Fri. Nov. 16th 2-3:15pm CRCA Pep Rally
Our 2nd college to investigate is Tech Texas University. College web Quest Our 2nd college to investigate is Tech Texas University.
College Web Quest A few facts about Texas Tech University: Texas Tech is located in Lubbock, TX 6½ hours from CRCA. Texas Tech is a public university . Texas Tech’s mascot is the Red Raider.
Answer the following questions: College web quest Go to this website: Answer the following questions: What is the population of Lubbock? How many students attend Texas Tech? How many undergraduate degrees does Texas Tech offer? What is the current in-state tuition?
College web quest 5. How many student organizations does Texas Tech have? 6. Does Texas Tech offer a Study Abroad option?
College Web Quest Now go to: colleges/undergraduate-majors/ Pick three majors that you might want to pursue. Look at the class schedule for all four years. (By the time you graduate from CRCA, you should be done the first two years.) How many total hours are required to obtain that degree?