Overview We have recently switched from a private business to a corporation. Our company was funded by the government to develop a new product in coorperation with the university laboratory. The university laboratory who holds 19 patents related to regonitions and sensors, and our technology engineers are the best technical team to have been building recognition products for more than a decade.. ZEROPASS Co.,Ltd C E O : Chae-hyon Park Establishment : Sep. 2016 Business field : Counterfeit Detector/ Bill counter/ Casino Deposit machine Head office : Chungmin-ro66 Songpa-gu Seoul Korea Factory : Guangyeo-ro8 Gonjiam-up Guangju-si, Kyunggi-do, Korea T E L : 070-4280-1694, Fax : 031-798-1691 History 2015 - Establishment 2016 – Being developement Potable counterfeit Detector 2017 - Selected as a government funding provider for technology development 2018 – Launch Potable counterfeit Detector - A patent application Potable Counterfeit Detector( - India's export commencement - Corporate transformation
Not in the world I ` will only make it innovative ! Many companies are making a lot of products. Zero Pass Co., Ltd. is one of many companies. But we do not make the same idea in the same way as others We make products that are not in the world. With the convenience you never knew, the precision you never knew, the high quality you never knew, Our goal is to make only new and innovative products. ZEROPASS Co.,Lte CEO CHAE –HYON. PARK
Sensor identification technology Organization Zero Pass seeks technologies that go beyond the present value. We don't create it unless it's innovative. We make products that are not in the world. C E O Sensor identification technology Structural Design H/W Design Factory Management Support
Business Unit US, China, Korea Patent Application CAR Counterfeit Detector Casino chsh box Bank Note Counter Potable Counterfeit Detector US, China, Korea Patent Application
Development Technology 20 Euro 20 Eurocompossion Infrared Sensor (IR) The extraction of the features of pneumoconiosis after IR application. Based on the database for each issue Application of the technology to distinguish counterfeit currency Development of a highly dimensional counter-mounted algorithm for the fusion of the differential elements such as location information, feature information, sensitivity of extraction data, and so on, rather than any independent ones, not by synchronizing IR & UV & MG sensors Application of the 20 Euro Ultraviolet Sensor (UV) UV using the location and characteristics of the UV component Application of ComparisonDetection Algorithms Extraction of MG Components and Analysis of bituminosis DB and Application of ComparisonDetection Algorithms
Recognition Technology Our product is developed by a new team of 19 recognized researchers and engineers who have developed the relevant product over a decade S/W H/W Recognition Technology Structure Technology Design
1 2 3 4 5 6 Relevant technologies Imaging Tech Recognize Tech Software & DSP Tech From close range measure and adjust the focus. filming techniques The image contains kind and organization perception Camera imaging, ARM Implementation Software and DSP Technology 4 Video restoration Tech 5 Data Fusion Tech 6 Modulation Detection Tech Through low-resolution imaging Restore high-resolution images (ultra high resolution) and techniques such as noise rejection and clarity Technology to improve the perception performance by fusion the multI-sensor data characteristics at various levels Forgery Bio information identification, Identification of counterfeit bills Forgery detection technology Joint Development Research Institute : Through video processing, pattern recognition, biometrics, and emotional recognition studies, we published 35 SCI registered journal articles over the past five years, registered patents at home and abroad, and held six technology transfer records.
Productor line SMT LINE A SET ASSEMBLY LINE(Pb Free) SMT LINE B PB FREE for SMT line Auto Insert line Set Assembly line(Pb Free/ Sn/PB Free) AUTO INSERT LINE SET ASSEMBLY LINE(Sn/Pb Free)
Product Line ROBOT Soldering Machine Optical Inspection Selective Soldering Machine
CONTACT US ZEROPASS 82-10-5134-3709 Head Office : T-7029 Chungmin-ro 66, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Korea Factory : 8, Guangyeo-ro 99, Gonjiam-up, Guangju-si, Gyunggi-do, Korea ZEROPASS