2009 The State of Durham’s Image presented by
How and Why Does DCVB Monitor Image? Image is a core element of branding. Branding is central to marketing a community for economic and cultural development. If a community doesn’t protect and foster its image, others will. 3 out of 5 jobs in Durham are held by non-resident commuters. 80% of newcomers and relocating executives experience a community first as a visitor.
Durham Self Image
Overall, I am proud of Durham (Durham Residents)
Overall, I am pleased with Durham as a place to live (Durham Residents)
Overall Image of Durham Public Schools by people with children attending DPS
Durham Resident Perceptions of Safety (City and County)
Durham Police Department is doing a good job of protecting and serving Durham’s residents.
From my personal experience, Durham has a gang problem (Durham Residents)
Durham’s Image Inside and Out Ratio of Positive to Negative Responses (2009)
Statewide Image of NC’s Five Largest Cities
Percentage of People in Wake and Orange Counties with a Positive Image of Durham
Percentage of People in Wake and Orange Counties with a Negative Image of Durham
Perceived Location of Research Triangle Park
Polycentric Family of Communities
My personal experiences in Durham have been positive.
Percentage of North Carolina adults who have heard of or attended an event at DPAC – Durham Performing Arts Center
Based on the way people talk, I would expect positive experiences in Durham.
Overall Image of Downtown Durham
Other Image Indicators
Durham Resident Opinion on Billboard Ordinance Prohibiting Additional Billboards or Billboard Upgrades
Durham’s Appearance and Physical Upkeep Should be a High Community Priority
Durham Residents Familiar with the Overarching Durham Brand Signature “Durham, Where Great Things Happen” (Durham Residents – generalizable)