Working together in NNSW
CHKI Pooled Funding
Our Healthy Clarence
Healthy Towns Commissioning Governance Group Locality Based Action Groups
Winter Strategy PHN LHD Commissioning GP Allied Health Community Activation Enabling Services Transition of Care
Determinants of Health
Complex funding arrangements
How are we collectively funding the continuum?
How does it fit together….. Grave Cradle
The road to further developing our approach Cross sectoral partnership at the highest level of decision making Trust between partners, including time to build relationships Common language, goals, principles, strategies, measures of success and criteria to drive decision making Good data and information to inform a thorough understanding of population health need and the services landscape, and to measure outcomes and attribution Willingness to share decision making amongst stakeholders, including involvement of communities (i.e., consumers, carers, those with lived experience)
Continued…… Mechanisms for joint ownership and responsibility, where all partners are ‘shareholders’ Long term time frame (including long-term contracts) to see through cycles of investment, evaluate results, and to make improvements for future cycles Coordination of investments in service delivery with investment in infrastructure and technologies Agreement on and application of methods to assess return on investment