Higher order questions Lesson Topic(s): Math 2nd Grade Week of: March 18-22, 2019 Objectives: Students will measure in centimeters and meters and choose appropriate tool based on math problem. Students will find area of a rectangle. TEKS: 2.9D-determine length; 2.1.A apply; 2.1.C-select tools;2.9C-distance on # line;2.1.B-use model;2.1.E-representations;2.1.G-justify;2.9Fmodels to find area of rectangle ELPS:1.A.1;2.I.5;4.C.2;3.B.3;4.C.4;4.D;2.D.2;3.F.2;3.H.3;2.C.3;3.D.1 Essential Question(s): How can I measure with centimeters and meters? How do I find the area of a rectangle? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Lesson Plan Lesson 17.1 Measure with a centimeter ruler Lesson 17.2 Add and subtract lengths Lesson 17.3 Centimeters and meters Lesson 17.4 Partition rectangles Module 17 assessment; Tier 1 lesson practice, small group activities and enrichment pages. Vocabulary/ELPS Centimeter Meter Length Zero mark ELPS: draw Rectangle Square unit Area ELPS: describe ELPS: define ELPS: model concepts ELPS: manipulatives/peer interaction Higher order questions How do you use a centimeter ruler to measure length? How does it compare to using inches? How can drawing a diagram help when solving problems about length? How is measuring in meters different than centimeters? How do you find the total number of same size squares that will cover a rectangle? Compare measuring in inches and feet to centimeters and meters. Assessment Strategy Students will measure items in classroom and on paper to the nearest centimeter. Students will add and subtract lengths using number line. Students will find measurements in meters and centimeters. Students will use I inch color tiles to find area of rectangles. Students will do RTI as needed to reinforce skills.