CRE 101 Should We Pull Our Troops Out of Afghanistan? Francis Oyeniyi CRE 101 Should We Pull Our Troops Out of Afghanistan?
Introduction America invaded Afghanistan in early 2002. to fight a force called al-Qaeda. As of now we have crippled their forces and killed their leader but resistance still remains in the country. The war has cost us a large sum of money that we don’t have and over 5 thousand American troops have lost their live in the war. Our main objective in the country has already been fulfilled so why do we remain there.
YES Our reasons for invading Afghanistan were to dismantle al-Qaeda and to prevent that country from becoming a haven for terrorists. That objective has been achieved Their problems are centuries deep and cannot be repaired by an outside force that is largely unfamiliar with their history
Yes we should leave Pros- Cons- We have a much higher chance of recovering from our recession if our resources were not been poured into Afghanistan. Our troops would be returned to their families. Cons- *The country could fall into deeper turmoil *Without them having a stable government we could be putting ourselves in danger in the future.
NO Angered by the desecration of Qurans at a U.S. base, recently demonstrated violence against the NATO Afghanistan's east was 20 percent more violent statistically in 2011 violently against the NATO
No Pro- Cons- Save the lives of more innocent people. Help them them make a democracy helping them selves for time to come. Cons- American spending would continue to increase making the national debt bigger. Cost of American lives
Conclusion Yes we should leave the country. At this point the main reason we are there is to start a democratic government. That country has never had a proper government in their history. So we cant force a way of life on them that they are not accustom to. History shows that countries that most are prosperous countries got to where they are because they had a domestic strive as one nation to be greater.
Bibliography ory/2012-04-18/Afghanistan-War-Rep- Moran/54397358/1?loc=interstitialskip