Demetra+ User Manual new version Sylwia Grudkowska NBP
Most important improvements made since last WG meeting X-12-ARIMA Detailed description of the output from RegARIMA An expand description of sliding spans Decription of mixed seasonal filters TRAMO/SEATS Output from TRAMO and SEATS Full Wiener-Kolmogorow analysis
Contribution from Task Force members and experts to the new version of Manual Anna Ciammola (review, mainly TRAMO/SEATS) Faiz Alsuhail (review of whole text, focused on TRAMO/SEATS) Alpay Koçak (contribution to description of TRAMO/SEATS output) Agustin Maravall (explanation of some detailed aspects of TRAMO/SEATS) Jean Palate (definition of residuals) Joerg Meier and Michael Richter (review of X-12-ARIMA specification and output)
When to launch the new version of the Manual? The version available on OSOR contains bugs New Manual seems to be much better than the older one The users seem to use the Manual, so there is a need for delivering new version as fast as possible But: New Manual contains detailed description of TramoSeats whereas for X-12-ARIMA only referecies are provided. It could be considered if at least explanation for seasonal filters should be included. Beacuse of remarks form reviewers I have introduced severe corrections to the Manual Suggestion from Anna: final reading of the manual before its uploading on the Cros portal
Thank you