Liaison from 802.15 to 802.18 Date: 15 March 2019 March 2019 Plenary Name Affiliation Address Phone email Jay Holcomb, Chair 802.18 Itron, Inc. Liberty Lake (Spokane), WA +1-509-891-3281 Notice: This document has been prepared to assist IEEE 802.18. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Jay Holcomb (Itron)
March 2019 Plenary Overview This document summarizes the activities of the IEEE 802.15 WSN Working Group for IEEE 802.18 RR-TAG during the March 2019 IEEE 802 Plenary at the Hyatt Regency Vancouver, BC, Canada Jay Holcomb (Itron)
Task Group Status (1/2) Task Group Closing Reports: March 2019 Plenary TG4md 15.4 REVISION STUEBING 15-19/0102r03 TG4w LPWA (LOW POWER WIDE AREA) ROBERT 15-19/0175r01 TG4x FANE (FAN ENHANCEMENTS) GILMORE 15-19/0173r00 TG4y SECN (SECURITY NEXT GENERATION) STUREK 15-19/0139r01 TG 4z ELR (ENHANCED LOW RATE UWB RFID PHY) HARRINGTON 15-19/0181r01 TG10a RMA (ROUTING MODE ADDITIONS) PERKINS History 15-19/0056r01 TG12 ULI (15.4 UPPER LAYER INTERFACE) KINNEY 15-19/0085r01 TG13 MGOWC (MULTI GIGABIT OWC) JUNGNICKEL 15-19/0180r01 Jay Holcomb (Itron)
Study & Interest Group Status Month Year doc.: 15-13/0083r0 March 2019 Plenary Study & Interest Group Status SGs None IGs IG DEP (DEPENDABILITY) KOHNO 15-19/0140r00 IG HRRC (HIGH RATE RAIL) KIM not meeting IG THZ KÜRNER 15-19/0112r00 IG VAT (VEHICULAR ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY) JANG 15-19/0178r00 IG PRO (Profiles) STUREK 15-19/0142r00 SCs IETF/RULES/SC-M KINNEY 15-19/0089r02 WNG KINNEY “ (same as above) Jay Holcomb (Itron) John Doe, Some Company
Other Group Status Liaison Reports Other: March 2019 Plenary 802.11 LIAISON REPORT - Petrick 15-19/0168r00 802.18 LIAISON REPORT - Holcomb 15-19/0135r00 802.19 LIAISON REPORT – Rolf 19-19/0022r00 802.24 LIAISON REPORT - Godfrey 15-19/0183r00 / 24-19/0009r00 Other: Jay Holcomb (Itron)
802.15 Meeting Close The 802.15 WG adjourned Thursday PM3 March 2019 Plenary 802.15 Meeting Close The 802.15 WG adjourned Thursday PM3 The next face to face meeting of the 802.15 WSN will be at the IEEE 802 10-15 March 2019 Plenary will be at the IEEE 802 Wireless Interim 12 - 16 May 2019 in the Grand Hyatt Atlanta in Buckhead, Atlanta, GA, USA Jay Holcomb (Itron)