Hinduism World's oldest religion Combination of religious, philosophical, and cultural ideas Veda is the oldest readings of Hinduism No specific founder
Hindu Deities Brahma is the Creator Vishnu is the Preserver Shiva is the Destroyer They also worship spirits trees, planets, ect. Reincarnation belief Most Hindu's found in India
Caste System A form of social organization that puts people into social classes that they can't move from People are born into the caste of their parents They can only move up after they die Outlawed in 1949 but it is still in practice for the most part Ghandhi's legacy was huge in India
Varnas or Categories Brahmin: Preists and religious officials: Kshatriya: Rulers and Warriors Vaishya: Farmers, merchants, traders, and craftsmen Shudra: Servants of upper castes and peasants Untouchables: The dirtiest jobs, such as latrine cleaners, ect