7 Meter Toy Hauler information presentation. All dimensional drawings, specifications are on RACEMATE website under Trailers visit www.racemate.net.au
7 Meter X-4 With dividing partition
7 Meter X-4
7 Meter X-4
7 Meter X-5
7 Meter X-5
7 Meter X-5
7 Meter X-6
7 Meter X-6
7 Meter X-6
Demonstration Toy Haulers are available for viewing A full range of RACEMATE storage solution products can be fitted in all Toy Haulers. 3 D modelling is available prior to building .Detailed drawings can be provided to suit individual RACECARS and Motor Cycles Standard body length width and height specified is standard jig size and can not be changed Demonstration Toy Haulers are available for viewing All modal details and prices including 3 D modelling costs and specifications are on the RACEMATE web site www.racemate.net.au